
11-19-14. Job 37:13. God is not punishing us when we experience suffering. God is love.

11-19-14. Job 37:13. God is not punishing us when we experience suffering. God is love.   Kevin E. Jesmer

God is love

Elihu started out so well in this Job 37, leading Job to behold the glory of God. (1-12) But then he veered off in the wrong direction with his counseling. Job 37:13 reads, “He brings the clouds to punish people, or to water his earth and show his love.” God does not bring storms to punish people. Yet he does bring storms to take care of creation and show his love.

How can I interpret storms of life coming my way? I would first of all draw near to the Lord and try to find my answers in Christ. Maybe God is calling be to deeper repentance and faith. Maybe he intends to mature and strengthen my faith. Maybe, through the storm, God is leading me and my family into a very difficult mission to reveal the glory of God and the beauty of the Gospel, through living by faith in the midst of the storm. Whatever the case, God is not punishing me by allowing me to be drawn into suffering. God is love. He works through storms to “water the earth and show his love.” He does not subject us to storms to punish us.

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