
12-2-14. Job 39:1-30. Get Back To Raw Nature….Get Back To God-my devotional

Get Back To Raw Nature….Get Back To God.    Kevin E. Jesmer. 12-2-14


In Job 39, 1-30, God is referring again and again to his creation, to nature and the animals therein. This reminds me how important it is for us to get back to nature. I am not talking about sitting in a manicured backyard. I am talking about NATURE, state park nature, national park nature. And when we get back to nature we can get back to God. How disconnected we have become. We don’t go camping. We neglect the national parks. We live in our concrete urbanity. And what happens? We loose touch with God.

I remember seeing a movie about St Francis of Assisi, “Brother Son Sister Moon.” He was the son a rich Italian textile manufacturer. He grew up in the Catholic Church and was a Crusader. But he did not know the Lord. The God began to work in his heart. He was troubled by some of the things he saw in the textile industry. He was meditating in the field. He saw animals in nature. It was during one of these visits to nature that his heart opened to God. He was born again. He left his old life behind and began his life at St Francis of Assisi.

I pray that God may open my eyes to see his glory and majesty in nature and increase the time I spend in nature. May the young people in America get disconnected from technology and reconnected to Christ and his creation.

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