
Archive for August, 2017

No more holy huddles. by Steve Shadrach. 8-28-17

No more holy huddles by Steve Shadrach Executive Director, Center for Mission Mobilization, Fayetteville, AR 8-28-17 Link to original article  Christians can be a rather narrow, exclusive, even insecure lot. It seems as if the longer people are Christians, the fewer non-believing friends they have. Oftentimes Christian students perpetuate this self-imposed insulation and end up […]


It Takes Gospel Principles To Build A Nation

It Takes Biblical-Gospel Principles To Build A Nation. Kevin E. Jesmer 8-12-17 I just saw Inconvenient Truth Part 2. I agree with Al Gore…we need to do something…and fast. I also noticed humanism in it. India was holding out in the Paris Accord. They said, “We need 150 years to use fossil fuels to build […]


Scientists Discover Neural Link Between Generosity and Happiness. By Anna Williams on Aug 1, 2017

Scientists Discover Neural Link Between Generosity and Happiness. By Anna Williams on Aug 1, 2017 Link to original article Thorsten Kahnt, PhD, assistant professor of Neurology in the Division of Comprehensive Neurology, was a co-author of the study published in Nature Communications. A new study finds that people who pledged to practice generosity showed greater […]


1 Corinthians 2:6-16. HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST. By Kevin Jesmer 8-8-17

1 Corinthians 2:6-16. HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST 1 Corinthians 2:6-16                                 Kevin E. Jesmer 8-8-17 Key Verse: 2:16 “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (ESV) […]


Archaeologists Find Ancient City Where Apostles Were Born. Elana Glowatz ,International Business Times. August 7, 2017

Archaeologists Find Ancient City Where Apostles Were Born Elana Glowatz ,International Business Times. August 7, 2017 Link to original article Archaeologists may have found the lost Roman city where three apostles of Jesus Christ lived. A team found a Roman-style bathhouse on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel that could be […]


1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Jesus Works Through The Weak and The Foolish

  1 Corinthians 1:26-31. Jesus Works Through The Weak and The Foolish  1 Corinthians 1:26-31.             Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verses: 1:27,30 “27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;¦ And because of him you […]


Cat Lake Baseball Culture 2017

Cat Lake Baseball Culture. The following was taken from a video about a young man in Cat Lake who is getting famous playing baseball in 2017. The pics are not of individuals but of the baseball field, that is very important in the community of Cat Lake. Return to the main page of Cat Lake […]


10 Questions Missionary Kids Would Love to be Asked. By Taylor Murray 5-19-16

10 Questions Missionary Kids Would Love to be Asked by Taylor Murray on May 19, 2016 Link to original article Most MKs are asked hundreds of questions during their families’ home assignments. Ironically, many of us leave our passport countries feeling unknown. In all honesty, we usually don’t answer questions well. Our fumbling answers can […]