
3/22/12 We Must Give God All The Glory

We Must Give God All The Glory

Pastor’s blog: Kevin Jesmer UBF at DeKalb 3-22-12

We can see why is important to give God all the glory in Judges 7:2 which reads, “The LORD said to Gideon, “You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’” The Lord was concerned about how many warriors they had. They were not to have too many. They were to send them away. for they had to much “human” strength present. Having lots of human abilities and strengths is good. They can be used for God’s purpose. But there is a danger in all of this. Look at verse 2b again, “…Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’ Israel would boast against me, ‘My own strength has saved me.’” The danger is that people tend to look at their own skills, strengths and abilities, and if they achieve something in this world, they are tempted to say, “My own strength has saved me.” We can become proud. We can depend on ourselves and not on God. We think that nothing is impossible to achieve if we are given enough time and resources. Humanity can even eradicate disease and extend our life to 200 years and create utopia on earth. This is called humanism.

Humanism has no place for God. Humanism doesn’t think that we need God. All the glory and honor that should be given to God and gives it to mankind. That is the problem. The fact is that God works through our weaknesses. When we are weak then God is strong. When we are weak and depend on God, then God can work do great things though us. When people see us and see all the good things that we are accomplishing in this world, they will not see that our human strength and abilities have saved us, but that Jesus has saved us. We will be advertising Jesus Christ.

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