4-20-13. “To Every Tribe” Ministry: Ekballo Conference. A missions conference at NIU campus that Julie and I attended. 4/19-4/20 2013.
“To Every Tribe” Ministry: Ekballo Conference. A missions conference at NIU campus that Julie and I attended. 4/19-4/20 2013.
Link to the Ekballo Conference web site.
Ekballo: Martyrdom and the
Eternal Purpose of the Church
Link to the Kishwaukee Bible Church info site
In the wisdom of God, the “Lord of the Harvest” ekballos gospel laborers to all peoples of the world. But what does Scripture teach us about the means by which the eternal purpose of God will be displayed through the church advancing the gospel to the unreached and unengaged people of every tongue, tribe, and nation?
“Ekballo” is the Greek word used when Jesus is sending out His disciples. It literally means “to expel, to cast out.”
The passion of To Every Tribe (who is putting on this conference) is to help the church be obedient to this call to “ekballo” messengers of Jesus’ to the far reaches of His creation to proclaim His name to those that have not yet heard. This passion will ring loud and clear throughout the conference–and it should!
Our passion at Kishwaukee Bible Church is to be faithful where God has called us–whether that be at home, or far, far away.
We believe this conference will be helpful on several fronts:
- God does indeed call some to go far. If that is the case for some that are still among us, this could be a tool in God’s hands to move His people to obedience to His call.
- God enables some to play a significant role in sending those that are to go, whether it be through sacrificial financial support, passionate prayer support, or compassionate relational support. This conference will help these individuals better serve in their God-given roles as senders.
- God has called us all to pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He would send out His laborers to the fields. And yet, it is easy to be lax in praying for those we have never seen or heard of. This conference will fan the flames and inform the content of a powerful missional prayer life
Scott Anderson
Ekballo: The Essential Nature
of Prayer in the Gospel Mission (Click to Listen)
If we are to pray to the “Lord of the Harvest” to ekballo workers into the mission field, what does Scripture teach us about effectual prayer? Explore the biblical admonitions to earnest and bold prayer.
David Sitton
Ekballo: Propel the Church,
Harvest the Nations
The primary way of recruiting laborers for mission is to pray them into the far-flung places where there is no gospel witness by asking the “Lord of the Harvest” to fling them. Ekballo is the word for “send (thrust) out” in Matthew 9:38 and also for “cast out” or “drive out” in Matthew 10:1. This is a call to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest by Jesus, through the means of our aggressive asking. The promise is that he will do it! Our experience is that he is doing it.
Dalton Thomas
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