
A pray for those who are thankful for peacemakers coming into their lives…

A pray for those who are thankful for peacemakers coming into their lives…


Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for sending people into our lives to help lift our burdens and ease our anguish. They are peacemakers. They see others’ burdens and their sufferings and they step up to sacrifice some thing of themselves to ease the burden of their neighbor. I experienced that today. A nurse gave up her slot in an education session for me and literally saved me from three weeks of worry and anguish. Thank you Lord, for sending this nurse into my life at this time. I realize, Lord, that you came to into this world, to those who are weary and burdened. You give us rest as we put your yoke upon us. Thank you for this gift. When the opportunity comes to ease the burden of others around us, help us to step up and do what we can do, in the strength we have been given. Use us to bring peace and calm to the world around us. I pray in the calming and peaceful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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