
A prayer for all those who long for a father’s love.

A prayer for all those who long for a father’s love….Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for your fatherly love for us. Thank you for concerning about our welfare and providing all we need for life, love, peace, meaning and hope. Thank you for calling us home to be with you, our Creator and our Father. There are so many children who are fatherless; so many orphans; so many kids who have not made an emotional connection to their earthly fathers. They suffer in a world which wants us to live like lone ships, bobbing in the sea of life without an anchor. I pray that all the young people in our land, who need a father, or who need the love and emotional connection of a father, may draw near to you, their heavenly father. Please raise up Christians, who can mentor such young people with fatherly love, showing them the way to have a personal relationship with their Father God. I pray all these things in the loving name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

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