
A prayer for the raising up of the laity of the church as servants of God to fulfill a very great need among the people….

A prayer for the raising up of the laity of the church as servants of God to fulfill a very great need among the people….Dear Lord, Jesus Christ. There is so many people and so many “difficult to reach” people groups in this world. The numbers are astronomical. There is such a great need for mature Christian leaders who can disciple people, mentor people and who can preach and teach the Gospel. The need is growing faster than servants of God are stepping up to serve. But I thank God for the work you are doing among the lay people of the church. I attended a preaching clinic where lay people are mentored in preaching. Continue to do such work. Raise up servants of God among the laity of the church. Send them off to the difficult to reach places with the gospel of Jesus. May they be wise mentors to the billions who need to hear the good news. Empower the laity to preach the word of God and change the world. I pray in the “world changing” name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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