
A prayer for those wanting the most blessed summer ever!

A prayer for those wanting the most blessed summer ever! (5-30-14)

the best summer ever

Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for this new summer season. It is filled with hope, new life and new possibilities and adventure. With your help we can make the most out of our summer. With your help, it can be so fruitful and full of joy and happiness and great memories. It can be a time discovering you, our Lord, our spouse, family and our friends, significant others and our neighbors in a whole new way. It can be a summer where foundations are laid for countless fruitful ventures. May we not get caught up in the prison cells of our own vises, but help us to be truly set free to life to the full. Lord, you came that we may have life and have life the full. We claim that promise. May this summer be life to the full in Jesus Christ. I pray in the name of the LIFE…Jesus Christ.

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