
A prayer for those who are living on the edge financially and unsure about the future.

A prayer for those who are living on the edge financially and unsure about the future…..     Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for helping us to trust in your provision. There are times when we feel like we are living on the edge. We may not even be living on the edge. We may just be projecting how things might be in the future and we become fearful.  But we know that you are living, O’ Lord. We know that you have come through again and again for us in the past and you will do so in the future. But we confess that we start to worry as our future needs become more evident. It is at those moments that we need faith to stand with a calm assurance. We need your wisdom to know the right to take. We need strength to venture out and do what needs to be done. Lord, we pray for these things, faith, wisdom and strength. We want to hold onto the word in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  We entrust our lives and future to you. May your will be done. I pray in Jesus’ steadfast and powerful name. Amen!

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