
Archive for the ‘Tweets 2014’ Category

I am thankful for Little Ceasar’s Pizza.

I am thankful for Little Ceasar’s Pizza. It is always ready and hot and quick and delicious. It is in your hands before you can finish placing your order. Spice it up with a few fresh options and it is a cheap dinner.  


God blessed KBC’s serving of internationals attending NIU 9-12-14

God blessed KBC’s serving of internationals attending NIU. It was on 9-12-14. There was exactly the right amount of food to serve everyone. There was about 150 people there. There was a lot of conversation going on between Americans and people from all over the world. There were even some people who are not part […]


Our church is serving at Network of Nations…a ministry to international students at NIU

Our church is serving at Network of Nations…a ministry to international students at NIU. What a joy, privilege and honor it is to do so. We want to be ambassadors of Christ and also of America to the internationals.


A prayer for those who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness

A prayer for those who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness… Lord, thank you for blessing us with peace, stability, hope, abundant resources and the rule of law. These are not “given’s” throughout the world. People are living in hellish conditions, where their nations are falling apart because of one type of […]


It was an 80’s rock and roll lovefest with High Infidelity playing at Cornfest.

It was an 80’s rock and roll love fest with High Infidelity playing at Cornfest.  What a great time.   I wonder why I spent so many years (2 decades) denying who I was ( a child of God..yes..but also a child of the 80’s in this western culture), and demonizing aspects of the culture […]


Looking forward to the DeKalb Cornfest. It is a free music festival and a celebration of corn.

Looking forward to the DeKalb Cornfest. It is a free music festival and a celebration of corn. There are a lot of great bands. It is all in downtown DeKalb. The Kishwaukey singers are selling elephant ears, pressed deep fried dough sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. We even sing  sometimes.


Jesus is my rock. He keeps me stable in the storms of life.

Jesus is my rock. He keeps me stable in the storms of life. How easy it is to break down and falter. It seems the whole world is out to crush us at times. But we can stand because Jesus is right there with us. Jesus is our rock.


Looking forward to learning about how the youth trip to Canada went. Excited.

Looking forward to learning about how the youth trip to Canada went. Excited. There is going to be a debriefing time when we will look at pictures and hear stories and listen to testimonials. Jesus has done a wonderful work among the youth on both sides of the border. We praise him for what He […]


We had a nice singout in Forreston Illinois at a family re-union. 8-17-14

We had a nice singout in Forreston Illinois at a family re-union. It was in the local park under a shelter roof. We were fed so well. They really appreciated our singing. It was worth the 1.5 mile ride to get there. I am thankful for times like this.


I Thank God for blessing the KBC Mission Trips to Czech Republic and Canada.

I Thank God for blessing the KBC Mission Trips to Czech Republic and Canada. What a blessing it is to be part of the world mission command of Jesus Christ. What a gift is to be part such a work of God in a world that desperately needs to hear about the Gospel.  Matthew 28:18-20, […]