
Gen 4:25-26 – Who were the descendants of Seth and what role did they play in the world?

Some Questions That One Needs To Answer Before Criticizing the Movie Noah.


 There has been so much hype about the movie Noah. So many people criticized the movie. There were disclaimers. Christians and Muslims alike criticized it. But many people liked it. After the movie was done in our theater, there were people clapping. I went. I took my wife and son. I agree that it did not follow the Bible story. But what is the Bible story? There is not much narrative in the Biblical account. The directors of the film set out to bring out the account with some theatrical license. I think it was well done. I think the gathering of the animal scene was the best I every saw. The portrayal of the evilness of society was well done. The destruction of the world was well done. I enjoyed the construction of the Ark. Many things were well done. Some things left me scratching my head wandering, “where did that come from.” Christians look at the passage in Genesis through the eyes of Jesus and the Gospel. And so we think Noah should be a Christ-like figure with only a few weaknesses. Most Christians don’t even attempt to tackle the hard questions like the director tried to tackle. My impression is that the script was a secular person’s sincere attempt to portray the Bible story on film. But I give it to him, he tried. That is more than a lot of Christians try to do. Before going to see the movie ask yourself the following questions and see it you can answer them. – Kevin Jesmer

  1. Who were the descendants of Seth and what role did they play in the world?

The descendants of Seth, were descendants of Able. After Seth started to have children the Bible states that men began to call on the name of the Lord. (Gen 4:25-26, ““Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, “God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.” 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord.”(NIV)

This implies that they were influencing the people to turn to the Lord. What were they doing? I assume they were living truthful lives, simple lives, teaching others about God and leading others to God. They lived separate lives from the descendants of Cain. Maybe they were leaders of a religion that revealed the Creator God to the people.

In the movie the descendants of Seth were very rare. Noah’s family was the last of them. They lived humble lives, foraging in the countryside, well away from the cities of men. They formed strong families. The fathers taught the children. They were into pure lifestyles and taking care of the earth. They were very interested in justice. They lived by example. I don’t think they were doing much preaching in the movie.

The descendants of Seth seemed to be what was holding back the judgment of God. As long as they were there, there was hope. Since they were the last ones, that could be the reason that God decided to send the flood. Since there was no one else on the earth to set the example of faith and righteousness then the time for judgment came. There was no longer any hope.

I agree with the portrayal of the descendants of Seth. I would have thought that there would be more of them and they would be more involved in preaching.

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