Jesmer Family History
Jesmer Family History
“the dead are not far from us… they cling in some strange way to what is most still and deep within us” William Butler Yeats
Some may be wondering why there is a page about family history on a Christian house church web site. I put it on here because I thought it is important to bless all people, believer or non-believer. Not every family member is going to appreciate my expositions on the Bible. They may not want to hear the gospel from me. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t have something to share with them that will bless their lives. I don’t have much, but one thing I do have is some knowledge of my branch of the family tree that I can put out there and share with those whom are interested. I am also making a family history page because I want to put the names of my distant ancestors on the internet. If there is some distant relative making a name search, then they will find the page and see some pics and hopefully they can contribute some information or some old pictures or some interesting stories. I put Generation 1 as the generation the farthest back that I could find info on. Generation 15 is the generation of my own kids. The names with the aster ix in front of them is the direct Jesmer family chain. Those who are related to Joseph A. Jesmer and Mary Ann (Robideau) Jesmer can find a lot of their ancestors listed here.
Another reason why I set out to do this. At various times throughout my life my father (Ted Jesmer) mentioned about Nelson A. Jesmer. (my g-grandfather) I knew very little about him, except that he was born in America, that he was a rich man and that he had three children, one of which was my grandfather, Harvey Jesmer. It was also mentioned that he would have passed on his wealth if it were not for the Depression, which robbed him of it. That is about all I knew. And that is more than anyone would know if someone did not set out to find out the details of this man’s life. And so my father, Nelson E. (Ted) , set out to find out as much as he could on Nelson’s life. There was much to be learned about him. A great paper trail was left behind concerning this man, with which his entire life could be painted He was frequently in the newspapers of every community he lived in. He loved local politics and was a small business entrepreneur. He was a pioneer of every place he moved to. He is especially important because he was involved in the pioneering of the Western USA by the Jesmer family and also he was the one brought our branch of the family tree to Western Canada. Many of his life events were documented in one way or another or could be extrapolated from several other sources. I was amazed. I began to know who Nelson A. Jesmer was in detail. And so I set out to document the findings that my father, Ted and myself made in a meaningful way. Since then, genealogy has been a hobby of mine and something I can share with my dad. I can also share what I learned with others. Even you.
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Link to “Jesmer Mysteries” answered The meaning of last names A ten generation list of ancestors of Peter Jesmer B. 1860
Newspaper articles of the Jesmer Clan by year 1874-1950 .
Generation 1: (4,096 sets of 10-g’s grandparents)
Pierre Roinay (b. 1595 in Lafleche, France) and Julienne LaMarguese (b. 1603 in Lafleche, France)
Louis Marie and Marguerite Peigne (Louis b. in 1620 in Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, Touraine, France )
Gilles Gouard and Catherine Leger (Lived in Faubourg St Germain-des -Prez, near Paris France)
Jean Brosseau and Perrine Goden (b. 1623 in Nantes, Brittany France)
Generation 2: (2,048 sets of 9-g’s grandparents)
Francois Fafard dit deLorme (French soldier who helped pioneer Detroit)
Francois Roiney and Perrine Meunier (b. 1635)
Benoit Bisaillon (b. 1638 in France) and Francoise Dublay
Louis Marie and Mathurine Goard (Louis b. in 1634 in Tours, Indre-Et-Loire, Touraine, France .)
Manuel Robidou (b. 1615) and Catherine Alve
Francois Tinon (France) and Marie Crespy (France)
Noel Lavessuer (FR) and Genevieve Gauge (FR)
Antoine Chaverlange and Marthe Geurin (FR)
Jean Clement dit LaPointe (France) and Madeliene Surget (France)
Dennis Brosseau (b. 1644 in St Sebatien, Nantes, Brittany France) and Marie Medeleine Louise Hebert (b. abt 1650 Notre Dame Paris France.)
Generation 3: (1,024 sets of 8-g’s grandparents)
Etiene Bisaillon (b. 1655 in France) and Jeanne Roinoy (b. 1685 in Quebec Canada)
Michel Sidrac Marie and Marguerite Brosseau (Michel b. 4/12/1668 in Montreal, Quebec Marguerite b. La Praire QC)
Andre Robidou (b. 1643) and Jeanne Denote (The first Robideau in the New World. All Robideau’s in NA are his descendants. Jeanne Denote was paid to come to Canada by the King of France to Marry. She was a Filles Du Roi)
Sylvain Guerin and Marie Brazeau
Hilaire Gingreau and Francoise St.Lo
Jean Hamel (b. 1636) and Marie Auvray (b. 1638)
Emard Tinon dit De Roaches (b. abt 1643 in Angouleme FR) and Aimee Roux (b. abt 1649 in Sens FR)
Pierre Lavesseur (b. abt 1627 in Paris FR) and Jean de Chaverlange (b. 1637 Bourges FR) M. in Quebec City
Philippe Plamondon (b. abt 1641 in Perousse Clermont Auvergne France) and Marguerritte Clement (b. 1662)
Generation 4: (512 sets of 7-g’s grandparents)
Claude Bisaillon and Marguerite St. Marie (Clause b. 1694/95. Marie b. 1696/97 in Quebec)
Jacques DuCorps and Ann Casse (Jacques b. about 1700. Anne born about 1700)
Gillaume Robideau (b. 11/28/1675) and Francois Geurin (B. about 1680)
Nicholas Lehoux and Marguerite Dardenne
Charles Gingreau (b. abt 1641) and Francois Amiot (b. 7/12/1660 in Montreal)
Jean Francois Hamel (chrsnd 7/24/1661 Quebec City) and Anne Felicite Lavasseur (chrsnd 3/21/1667 Quebec City)
Charles Tinon (chrtn’d 10/26/1673 in Quebec City) and Marie Anne Bonnaodeau (b. 4/26/1677 in Quebec City)
Guillaume Page Quercy and Isabelle Tellier (lived in Neuville Que)
Pierre Constantin (b. 1666) and Suzanne-Marguerite Guyon (b. 1679) lived in Quebec City.
Pierre Plamondon (b. 8/12/1683 in LaPrairie Lorette Que.) and Marie Charlotte Hamel (b. 5/24/1691 in Lorette Que.)
Jacque Drolet (b. 7/26/1695 in L’Ancienne Lorette Que.) and Marie Therese Boutin (Lived in Lorette Que)
Phillippe Ancelin (b. 8/30/1676 in St Famille, Ile d’Orleans Que) and Marie Madeleine St Pierre (b. 4/12/1681 in LaPocatiere, Que)
Pierre Legre-Prieur (b. 1/29/1725 in Lachine Que.) and Marie Louise Madeline Laviolette (b. abt 1690 in Montreal)
Joseph Parent (B. 2/1/1696. Lived in Pte Claire Que) and Marguerite Vinet (b. 5/13/1706 in Lachine Que)
Jean Migneron (b. 9/28/1696 in Beaupre Que.) and Marguerite Hunault (b. 8/22/1699 in Montreal Que)
Martini Socquet (b. 1667 in Nethen Brabant Belgium. d. 8/27/1725 in Nethen.) Jacoba Fustin m. 5/2/1688 Nethen.
Generation 5: (256 sets of 6-g’s grandparents)
* Louis Duhault dit Jasmin and Antoinette Joachin (Louis b. about 1700 in France. Antoinette b. 1715 in France.)
Nicholas Ducorps St Medard and Maria Marguerite Bisaillon info about Maria’s ancestors and Detroit
Joseph Parent and Suzanna Legre -Prieur
Charles Robideau (5/6/1720) and Anne Therese Lehoux (b.1718)
Pierre Rivet and Anne Herva
Louis Barbe dit Abel (married in Riviere de Prairie Que in 4/24/1724) and Magdeline Poitras
Joseph Gingras (chrtnd 6/4/1686 Neuville Que) and Marie Anne Tinon (Chrtnd 1702)
Pierre Hamel (married 4/26/1718 St Foy Que) and Marie Anne Constantin (chrsn’d 7/24/1700 Quebec City)
Joseph Page (b. 6/4/1697 Neuville Quebec) and Marie Josephe Morisett (b. 5/23/1771 in Les Ecureuils Que)
Ignace Plamondon (b. 8/25/1712 in L’Ancienne-Lorette Que.) and Marie Therese Drolet (b. 9/14/1721 in Lorette Que.)
Claude Houde dit Claire (lived in Yamaska Que) and Marie Marguerite Trottier (lived in Yamaska Que)
Michel Gabriel Martel (lived in Yamaska Que) and Genevieve Senneville-Lefebvre (lived in Yamaska, Que)
Augustine Asselin (b. 3.24/1707 in St Francois, Ile de Jesus Que) and Marie Josephte Migneron (Lived in Ile de Jesus)
Guilielmi Socquet (b. 1700. c. 8/14/1700 in Nethen Brabant Belgium) Anna Francesca Paije (m. 11/12/1741)
Egide Charpentier (b. 1719 Nethen Belgium.) Maria Theresia Renwart (b. 1723 in Nethen.)
Charles Peters (b. 1730 Ore England) and Ann Peters (b. 1730 Ore England. m. 1755 in Ore)
Thomas Scott (b. 1712 in Ken Marsham) and Ann Fanton (m. 1744 in Mastingleigh)
Generation 6: (128 sets of 5-g’s grandparents)
* Louis Laurant Duhault dit Jasmin and Marie Magdeline Ducorp dit St. Meddard
Paul Robideau (B.1701) and Monique Barbe dit Abel (b. 1740)
Pierre Vivet dit Sanschagrin (b. 12/27/1725 in France) and Marie Madeline Page (B. 7/20/1742 Neuville Que)
Jean Baptiste Gingras (b. abt 1736 in Desmaures Que) and Marie Louise Angelique Hamel
Ignace Plamondon (b. 6/29/1746 in Lorette Que) and Marie Louise Delisle (lived in St Foy Quebec)
Augustin Houde dit Claire (b. 1/28/1751 in St Antoine-du-Padoue, Yamaska Que) & Genevieve-Therese Martel (Que)
Jean Baptiste Asselin (lived in Les Cedres Soulange Que) and Marie Suzanne Parent (lived in Les Cedres Soulange Que)
Jean Philippe Socquet (b. 1743. c. 12/4/1743 in Nethen Brahant Belgium. m. 8/28/1768) Marie Therese Goffin
Jean Henri Rose (b. 1741. d. 4/20/1793 in Nethen Belgium.) Marie Therese Joseph Charpentier (b. 1745. c. 11/27/1745 in Nethen Belgium.)
Henry Peters (b. 1759 Kent, England, d. 1829) and Mary Scott (b. 1757 Kent, m. 1777 Sneeth, d. 1842)
Jozef Sawicki and Teresa Sawicki (Ukraine)
Jan Illnicki (aka Ilenicki. d. 1830) and Aniela Illnicka (aka: “Marcela” “Marianna”, “Agniezka” d. Jan 24, 1840 in Germakowka Ukraine)
Michal Pawlicki (aka Paulicki. d. 1820) and Jadwiga Pawlicka (b. circa 1747. d. April 5, 1828 in Krzywcze Ukraine)
Generation 7: (64 sets of 4-g’s grandparents)
* Louis-Joseph Jasmin dit Duhaut (b. 8/13/1773) and Marie Susanna Asselin (b. 3/5/1779)
Ignace Plamondon and Josephte Houle/Houde
Joseph Etienne Robideau (b. 2/7/1764) and Marguerite Gendron (2/4/1793)
Jeremie Vivet dit Sanschagrin (b. 11/28/1765 in Neuville Que) and Marie Anne Gingras (b. about 1770)
Ignace Plamondon (b. 1784 in St Regis Huntington Que) and Josephte Houle (b. 1780/88)
Jean Pierre Soquet (b. June 1769. c. 6/30/1769) Marie Therese Rose (b. 1774. c. 2/23/1774 in Nethen Belgium. d. 4/25/1826 in Nethen.)
Husband = ? wife = Henriette Winant (Belgium)
Jakub and Julianna Gorczynski (feminine form Gorczynka) Ukraine.
Pawel Sawicki and Helen (Bielacka) Sawicka (b. circa 1773. Died Jan 12, 1823 Kryvche, Borshchivs’kyi district, Ternopil Ukraine.)
Aleksander Kotowski (aka “Kotecki”, “Kostecki”) and Marianna Kotowska (Ukraine)
Tomasz Pawlicki (Paulicki) and Marianna (Ilnicka) Pawlicka (AKA “Jenicka”, “Maria”)
Generation 8: (32 sets of g-g-g-grandparents)
* Joseph Jasmin (Jesmer) and Julie Plamondon
The children of Joseph and Julia. Joseph and Mary Ann Jesmer, Nelson Edward Jesmer and (Sarah Goulding) Jesmer, Adeline Mary Jesmer Grow (and N.A. Grow), Moses A. Jesmer (and Effie Day); Julia Jesmer (and Peter Robideau). Marceline Jesmer (Minor Parisien)
Christen Brors (Norway)
Ferdinand ______ (Norway)
Louis Robideau (b. 1794) and Marie Felicite (Sophie) Vivais (b.1801)
Hugh Nugent (b. 11/21/1801 in County Down Ireland) and Mary Jane Morrison (b. 3/9/1815 in County Down Ireland)
John Kinread (b. 8/8/1810 in Whitehaven, England) and Anne Peters (7/10/1817 Folkestone England)
Thomas Larracey (b. 1790 in Ireland) and Catherine Hennessey (b. 1821 in Ireland)
Patrick Donahue and Susanna Macdonald
Jas Sr. Crystal (b. 1787 in Sligo Ireland) and Mary Donaher (b. 1806 in Sligo, Ireland)
John Kearns (b. 1798 in Sligo Ireland) and Margaret Cugorean (b. 1807 in Sligo Ireland)
Thomas Soquet (b.12/20/1803 Nethan Brabant Belgium.) Henriette Winant (b. 2/10/1804 Court St. Etienne Brabant Belgium. m. 12/27/1826)
Jean Joseph Hannon (b. 1805 Belgium) Marie Therese Laurant
Mikolaj and Tekla Sawicki (or Sawicka, the feminine of Sawicki) (Tekla’s maiden name was Gorczynska or Garczynska.) (Western Ukraine)
Jozef Pawlicki and Marianna (Kotowska) Pawlicka. AKA “Maria Kotecka”, “Kostecka” (Ukraine)
Generation 9: (16 sets of g-g-grandparents)
* Joseph A. Jesmer and MaryAnn Robideau Jesmer
Children of Joseph and MaryAnn: (Nelson Adulphus Jesmer, Sidney Joseph Jesmer, Mary Jane (Jesmer) Robideau, Louis E. Jesmer, William E. Jesmer, Joseph lll Jesmer, Moses Edward Jesmer, Eunice Rose (Jesmer) Waldhoff, Eugenia (Jesmer) Kaliher, Adulphus “Albert” Jesmer, Ida Jesmer, Delia Alice Jesmer, Louella (Jesmer) Bowen, Hubert Francis Jesmer; Baby 1, Baby 2)
Michail Statland (Namsos Norway) (1837-1913) and Ingeborg J. Statland (1830 to 1883)
Micheal and Maria Orlowski (Skala, Borszczow, Galizien, Austria)
John Nugent (b. 3/29/1844 in NB) and Hannah Kinread (b. 3/2/1846) History of Nugent family
Henry Samuel Wolfe and Ida Morganroth (Both from Baden-Baden Germany)
William Larracey (b. 4/27/1843 in NB Canada) and Alice “Ally” Donahue (b. 7/8/1846 in NB Canada)
Jas Jr. Crystal (b. 1838 in Sligo, Ireland) and Mary Ann Kearns (b. 1839 in Sligo, Ireland)
Jean Philippe Soquet (b. 8/26/1827. d. 1910. from Nethen Brabant Belgium) Esperance Hannon (b.1831 Grez Doiceau Brabant Belgium. d. 6/15/1873 Greenbay WI) List of the kids
Vicenty (Abt 1832 d. aft 1862. Galizien Austria) and Rosalia (Pawlicki) Sawicki (Abt 1835 d. aft 1862. Galizien Austria) aka Wicenty and Rozalia
Generation 10: (8 sets of g-g grandparents)
* Nelson Adulphus Jesmer and Genevieve Soquet Jesmer (Nelson’s kids: Harvey, Carl, Ida ,Herbert, Lillie)
Ole Justin Statland and Lena Brors Statland (born in Namsos Norway. Lived in Paswegan Saskatchewan)
Joseph Sawicki :Jozef (Joseph) Sawicki (b. 5/17/1862) and Julia Orowalska (b. 11/14/1858) (lvd: Manitoba)
Adam Dobranski and Joanna (Bezelowski) Dobranski
Robert Moore Nugent (b. 9/30/1873 NB Canada) and Racheal (Wolfe) Nugent (b. 8/16/1873 NY)
Thomas N. Larracey (12/26/1867 NB) and Lucy (Crystal) Larracey (b. 2/10/1873 Kent Co. Ireland)
August “Gus” Mass (Born in Germany) and Anna Spiekerman Mass
William Dwyer (b. Ireland) and Nora Lee Dwyer (b. Ireland)
Generation 11: (4 sets of great grandparents)
* Harvey Howard Jesmer and Alice Victoria Statland (Jesmer) (Harvey’s siblings Carl, Ida , Herbert, Lillie)
Leon W. Sawicki and Emily Dobranski Sawicki
John Kinread Nugent (b. 10-25-1909 NJ) and Alice Larracey (b. 11/02/1906 NB) Hx of Nugent family
Albert Joseph Mass (b. 4/1/1894 OH) and Sarah (Maude) Dwyer Mass (b. 9/21/1894 CA)
Generation 12: (2 sets of grandparents)
* Nelson Edward “Ted” Jesmer and Della Sawicki Jesmer (Bield MB , Paswegan Sask, Thompson MB , Winnipeg MB)
Ken and (Mary) Helen (Mass) Nugent (Whittier CA) History of Nugent family
Generation 13: (2 parents)
* Kevin Edward Jesmer and Julie Nugent Jesmer History of Nugent family
Generation 14:
Jennifer, Augustine, Sarah, Hope and Mark Jesmer
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