
Jesus is the trunk of the tree, everything else are the branches. Let me tell you why…

Jesus is the trunk of the tree, everything else are the branches. Let me tell you why…



Kevin E. Jesmer    5-18-13

The older I get the more I realize that Jesus is everything to me. Sure, I can learn of the news, go and see movies, travel and read books and exercise and spend time with friends and family, etc. Yes…these are important parts of life. But these are like the branches in a tree. The trunk of the tree is Christ and the Gospel. It is coming to know Jesus and maturing in faith and in our relationship with God. I used to be too focused on the branches of life and not thinking about the trunk. But the trunk is where the branches get their life source. The trunk is where the branches are attached. A branch can bear a beautiful blossom and fruit, if it attached to the trunk of the tree. By only focusing on the branches, I was not able to produce the fruit of life that my heart yearned for. But by focusing on the trunk of the tree, Christ, the branches begin to bear fruit naturally, or shall I say, with God’s help. Lord, thank you for helping me to have the right focus.

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