
Jesus The Way…The Narrow Way – Christian drama

Jesus The Way…The Narrow Way  by Kevin Jesmer


John 14:6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Key Verses: 7:13,14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Theological background of the drama. Do not read this out loud. Not part of the drama.


This drama is about taking the way of Jesus, the narrow way. It is the easy that leads to eternal life. We need to make an inner decision to go down the narrow way, everyday. To engage in the 1:1 discipleship ministry requires this kind of decision.  We must depend on God and on his word to work in people’s hearts. Teach the truth of God as it is and pray. Never make the word of God easy and cheap. It is a treasure and it is a pearl. People will respect it as such when we decide to take up our cross and follow Jesus. Then people will like the word of God as it is. Even if the word of God leads them along a very difficult and painful path, they will like it. Because in the word of God they will find Jesus, who is, “The Way, The Truth, and The Life”. We are tempted to water down the word of God. We think that if we do that it will make sense. But we must never fall into this temptation. We, ourselves must decide to take the narrow way. Those who do maintain the church of God. Such people are few but precious. There is narrow way to follow. It is before us. We must decide to loose our cultural baggage and enter through it by the grace of God.


Only we can go through it. Nothing else will fit through the gate. We need to decide and help other young people to decide. It is hard to overcome the cultural influences of our day and the influences of our peers. It definitely requires a decision of faith, a personal decision. We can not bring 40 people with us. We must decide to go personally and hopefully the other 40 will make the same decision. There are others on the other side who have gone one before. They are enjoying the Kingdom of God and close fellowship with Jesus. We need to help others make the decision to follow Jesus and enter through the narrow way.


If you choose the narrow way you may loose your friends, but you will gain spiritual friends. Your own personal decision will teach young people to go through the narrow way. They must do it , because it is the only way to life. So decide to take the hard way of self denial and self sacrifice. It requires bringing young people to the truth. Though they may suffer they will go along the narrow way. We can not do this on our own. But when we decide God will help us when we pray.




There is short path that leads behind the podium. The gate is narrow and only wide enough for one person to go through. At the gate is a huge cross. Along the path is a podium, a stool with a Bible on it, a stool with a manger scene on it. We could also place pictures from the movie, The Passion and the plants. To the left is a sheet screen that is at the end of the path. It will be removed at the last scene,  to reveal Jesus and those who have followed Jesus the way. They are now with Jesus in his glorious kingdom. Near the gate is a sign saying, “the narrow way that leads to God’s kingdom” and “eternal life with Jesus”. There is also another sign saying, “The Broad Way that leads to destruction.”


Cast and props:


Scene 1: The Shepherd Takes His Watch


Shepherd 1:


Scene 2:   The False Preacher  –

False preacher:

Shepherd 1:

Congregation members:

props: 4-books


Scene 3:   The Reluctant Bag lady – 

Bag lady

shepherd 2

large cross

two pieces of luggage –


Scene 4: The boyfriend and girlfriend – NIU




Shepherd 3:

The other couple:


Scene 5: The Repent Sinner Who Takes The Narrow Way


Shepherd 4:


props: Cross and pictures of the passion.



Scene 6; The boyfriend returns from broad road

The boy from scene 4   –

Shepherd 4                   –

Jesus :


Scene 1: The Shepherd Takes His Watch


Narrator:  (Mystical music plays. Narrator reads the key verses.) John 14:6, “Jesus answered, “I

               am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Anyone who chooses, by faith, to follow the Way, will discover the truth and the truth will set us free, free from the power of sin, free to do what is right, free from, death and condemnation and free to love God and our fellow man.

(Chimes jingle)


Matthew  7:13,14

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to

              destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that

             leads to life, and only a few find it.”



The Way of Jesus is a narrow way. It is difficult to follow. It requires commitment and sacrifice, but it is the way to life, an abundant, spiritual life in this world and eternal life. It is the sure way of joy and blessing. It is the only way that we must follow as disciples of Jesus. But only a few people find this narrow way. Most choose the broad way that leads to destruction.


Once we discover the Way, the truth and the life we have an obligation.  It is our duty to tell our fellow Brothers and sisters that the Jesus they are seeking for can only be found at the end of the narrow way. We need to persuade and guide them to the narrow way. Ultimately we must all make a personal decision of faith to follow the Narrow Way. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.


(Chimes jingle)


( The flood light turns on and shines from behind the podium. There is the sound of victorious music and cheering. Out of the cave comes  shepherd 1  carrying a Bible. He walks along the path the front of the gate. He is there to urge people to take the narrow way and to convince them not to take the broad way. He prays and studies his Bible as he waits.


Scene 2: The False Pastor Leads His Flock Down The Broad Road


False Pastor:  (Pastor and his flock enter onto the stage) Come follow me. Listen to my words

and I will lead you to health, wealth and prosperity. God will bless you with

riches  beyond belief. (Waves his book) Just follow these simple principles and

follow me.


(All the people say “Amen”. They come to the gate and try to get in all together but can not.)


Shepherd 1:   There is no easy way to serve God and be blessed by God. Jesus teaches us that

we must take to way of the cross. We must remember Jesus. Jesus was born as a

tiny baby in the manger. Jesus is the good shepherd who laid down his life for the

sheep. Jesus suffered much and shed his blood to save people from their sins. Jesus

taught his disciples to follow him. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he

                     must deny himself and take up his cross  daily and follow me” (Lk 9:23).


False Pastor: These are lies my flock. Salvation is not meant to be that difficult. Look at the

principle #5 in my new book. “Health and wealth come to those who trust.” You

have my book don’t you?


Congregation: (In unison) Amen! (They wave their books on the air.)


Shepherd 1:  Apart from the way of the cross there is no other way. It involves teaching others

and living a sacrificial life. It requires commitment and devotion.  It is the narrow

way. This narrow way the way of Jesus. This is the narrow way that all of you

must go through. (He points to the way.)


The congregation all look at each other bewildered and they look at their book confused as to what do and where to go.


False Pastor; All of you read chapter five.


Shepherd 1: When you follow the way, God may grant you riches in the world or he may not.

But one thing is for sure.  When you follow Jesus, the way and take the way of the

cross you will store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do

not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. This treasure will never

perish spoil or fade away, kept in heaven for you. (He points to them all) You can

enter in through the narrow way, each one of you.


The congregation members try to pack into the narrow gate all at once. They can not get through.


False Pastor:  Suffer! Sacrifice! Servantship! That can not be the way. There must be an easy way

to be blessed by the Lord.  (He catches the attention of his flock). Come on flock.

This false prophet is you from all of heaven’s riches.  Follow me along this broad

road. There is room for us all. Follow me.


(He urges them on like an army general. The congregation gets themselves together) Amen! (They  go down the wide road that leads to destruction with the false pastor. The Shepherd is on his knees praying for them. As they turn the corner, they all give one blood curdling cry. Another shepherd comes out of the tunnel that leads to the narrow way, where the light is shining and comforts him. They exchange places and shepherd 1 goes back to the through the narrow way to the kingdom of God. Shepherd 2 takes his post to try to convince others travelers to take the narrow way of Jesus.)


Scene 3:  A Bag Lady Can Not Lay Down Her Baggage To Enter

                                                    the Narrow Way


A person carrying two big suitcases in his hands. The suit cases are labeled with all kinds of spiritual baggage like “Sorrow”, “shame”, “Guilt” ,”Self condemnation” in large letters. She tries to get through the narrow gate with all of her baggage. She cannot let them go. The Shepherd looks at her and approaches her.


Shepherd: Hey, what are you doing?


Baggage:   (While struggling with the suitcases) I’m trying to go the kingdom of God, but my

bags won’t make it through this gate.



You can’t enter through the narrow gate carrying all of that emotion baggage with you. Jesus suffered and died on the cross so that we can be set free from things like self condemnation and sorrows. Jesus became a man of sorrows to free us from all of our sorrows. He underwent humiliation so that we can be set free from our shame and guilt. He shed his blood on the cross (Touches the cross in reverence) so that we can be forgiven. All we have to do is lay our burdens at the foot of the cross and then we can be free to enter the narrow way that leads to eternal life.


Baggage:   The shepherd tries to help her to place her suitcases at the foot of the cross, but she

resists) It sounds too easy. I don’t know if I could do this. I’ve been carrying this

baggage around for a long time. I kind of like feeling sorry for myself and making

others feel sorry for me. Condemning myself feels good also. I can’t let go of this

baggage. (She looks at the wide road and decides that that way is easier) I know I’ll

take this way. It gets me to the Kingdom of God too doesn’t it?


Shepherd:  (pleading with the lady) No! Don’t do it! Lay down your burdens at the foot of the

cross and take the narrow way? Jesus’ way?


Baggage:     You’re crazy. I am not letting this go. I can’t let it go you see. (She begins to sob. She

walks off towards the broad way. The shepherd is praying for her and shedding

tears. She walks of the stage and there is a blood curdling scream. The shepherd

bows his head.)


Another shepherd comes out of the path that leads to the narrow way, where the light is shining and comforts him. They exchange places and shepherd 2 goes back to the through the narrow way to the kingdom of God. Shepherd 3 takes his post to try to convince others travelers to take the narrow way of Jesus.)


Scene 4: A Boy and Girl Try To Get Through The Narrow Way Together


(A boyfriend and a girlfriend came in arm and arm and they both stuggle to get through the narrow gate. But they can not get in together. They struggle as shepherd 3 gets comes up and talks to them.)


Shepherd 3: I can see that you are having trouble getting through the narrow gate. You

know that you can not get through together. You need to both step back

and decide to go through the narrow way alone.


Boy:               But we love each other.

Girl:              We’re almost engaged.  (They struggle to get through again.)


Shepherd:     This does not matter. In order to enter the kingdom of God you each must

personally repent of your sins and accept God’s grace and decide to live a

holy life of faith. You must learn of Jesus personally.


Boy and girl:  (Together) But we love each other. (another couple goes by , walking

hand in hand and take the broad way, without even trying to take the

narrow way. They wave and the  boy and girl see them)


Girl:               See they are going to the kingdom of God together. Let’s go. (she pulls the

arm of her boyfriend)


Boy:                Yeah. I never want to be separated from you even if I have to take the

broad way. (They hear a blood curdling scream from the previous couple

but shrug their shoulders and continue on anyways.)


Shepherd 3:   (Reaches out to them and says…) Please reconsider….(They continue on,

ignoring his pleas. The shepherd falls to his knees to pray. The couple

disappears. Shepherd 4 comes out of the tunnel and pats shepherd 3 on

the back and hugs him. Shepherd 3 goes back through the tunnel.

Shepherd 4 waits by the gait.)


Scene 5: The Repent Sinner Who Takes The Narrow Way


(As shepherd 4 is praying a man, who is struggling inwardly to come to God, comes to the foot of the cross and lays down his luggage. It can be the same luggage used by the bag lady.)


Sinner:   (On his knees, he looks up to heaven, beats his chest and says….) Have mercy on me

Lord, sinner.


Shepherd 4:   (Has been watching him. He approaches him) I have been watching you pour out

your heart to God. It is so beautiful. How can I pray for you?


Sinner:     I’ve been carrying around this heavy burden of my sins for a long time. Night and

day, they robbed me of joy and life. I could find not peace and rest. I could not bear it

any longer. I knew I had to come to Jesus.


Shepherd 4:  Brother, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and The Life. You did the right thing by

coming to foot of the cross of Jesus to lay down your heavy burden of sin. Now it is

time to follow Jesus, the way.


Sinner:     You know I must have hear that 1,000 times before, but now I can see it. I always only

saw whatt was good for me. But this never made me happy. This never set me free

from the burden of my sins. Now I know that the narrow way is the way that Jesus

wants me to follow. I know what I must do. How could I be so blind!!!


Shepherd 4:  God has opened your eyes to see Jesus, the Way. Praise God! Lay your heavy

baggage at the foot of the cross and personally decide to enter through the narrow

way.  At the end of the way you will find Jesus and discover everlasting life.


Sinner:    Thank you so much for your help. (They start to walk through the gate.)


Shepherd 4:  (gestures) You first.

Sinner :     Thank you. (He walks in admiring the pictures of the passion and goes through the

narrow way. There is victorious music and cheering.



Scene 6; The boyfriend returns from broad road


(The boyfriend returns from the broad road with a dazed look on his face.)


Shepherd 4:  Your back. I never saw anyone come back from the broad way before. This is

amazing.  What happened?


Boy:        Well, I was arm and arm with my girlfriend enjoying our walk together along the

broad road with all the other couples. Just ahead of us I was hearing these blood

curdling cries. (A cry comes from the broad road)  It just didn’t feel right to be to keep

going on.  I realized that I was just following my own feeling and emotions. God

opened my eyes to see that I lost the way.


Shepherd 4: Praise God for opening your eyes. What happened to your girlfriend. How come

she did not return with you.


Boy:         I  tried to convince her to turn around. I thought she would understand. But she never

wanted to. She tried to convince me that we were on the correct path. She said that she

never loved me anymore. The other couples thought that way too.  She said, that if I

loved her I would follow her.


Shepherd 4: But you are here now. What happened?


Boy:       I made a decision of faith to go no further and to turn back. (He stands up with firm

determination). I pressed her to change her mind but she would not. She met another

guy along the way and turned the corner and then I heard a blood curdling scream. (A

scream is heard) My heart was broken. But as I returned to the narrow gate, my sorrow

was changed to joy. I knew that I was on the right path. I new that I had found the way.


Shepherd 4:  (Boldly and confidently he stands and declares) You made the right choice. Jesus

is the way the truth and life. When you come Jesus the way, you will taste everlasting

life. Come now, lets enter the narrow gate that leads to Jesus and his kingdom.


Boy:       Thank you so much for your help.


(They both go through the narrow way, one at a time. They reach the other side. On the other side is Jesus surrounded by the four shepherds and the sinner and the boyfriend. Chear are heard. Victorious music.)


Narrator:  :  In John 14:6  “Jesus answered, “I

               am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


Anyone who chooses, by faith, to follow the Way, will discover the truth and the truth

will set us free.

(Chimes jingle)


Jesus said in  Matthew 7: 13,14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate

             and  broad is the road that leads to  destruction, and many enter through it. But small is

            the gate  and narrow the road that  leads to life, and only a few find it.”


Let’s decide to follow Jesus, the narrow way this semester !


The Kids sing “We Want To See Jesus Lifted High” with overheads so all can follow along

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