
Kairos- – From a Lutheran church insert in Los Angeles, California.

Karios- – A Lutheran church in Los  Angeles, California.


Kairos is about time. Not the tick-tock kind of time we are used to living in. Kairos is the beautiful kind of time- a moment where God breaks in and interrupts our status quo.

A Kairos Moment is when we observe our Heavenly Father speaking into and moving in the midst of our daily circumstances. Generally speaking, kairos moments are not neutral. They leave an impression – positive or negative – on us. As words of grace, they move us into action.

They change the direction and focus of our lives, leading us to follow Jesus more closely and more attentively.

What’s been your Kairos moment lately? To discover this ask yourself two simple questions. Your response should be simple, concise and as specific as you can. The questions are, “What is God saying to me?” and “What is God telling me to do about it?


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