
Lies Young Women Believe And the Truth that sets them Free By Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh

Lies Young Women Believe  And the Truth that sets them Free
By Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh

Book Report by: Sarah (14) 6-27-12

This book was written for the purpose of debunking common lies that young women believe. DeMoss and Gresh set up a website and had cross-country conferences were they interviewed and compiled a list of real life doubts and deceptions to break down. There are 9 categories of lies. Lies about: God, Satan, Yourself, Guys, Relationships, your Faith, Sin, Media and the Future.

There are 2-4 lies in each category, adding up to 25 in total. The lie would be explained, and then challenged with the Truth. The Truth is an agreement with a standard or original; Jesus Christ. The lie would be countered with bible verses and personal experiences and then summarized at the end. In the God section, the main point that stuck out to me was that God is more concerned with changing you than fixing your problems. That was the counter to the lie: God should fix my problems. I like the changing you part. Maybe he will fix something in your life, if that’ll help you become what he wants you to. I found myself questioning some things in the Satan section. The lie: I have never been exposed to satanic activities. Truth: I have been, and God detests it. I didn’t know that things like Harry Potter or yoga were satanic. I don’t really agree with that, but I get where they were coming from. Anything that doesn’t have to do with our God should be expelled from my life. Does that mean never watching Harry Potter again and deleting my Pottermore account? No, just I have to keep in mind what they’re all about and know that God is more powerful and almighty than anything there is here on Earth and stay cautious.

In the ‘Yourself’ section it said that beautiful girls were NOT worth more because physical beauty is fleeting and inner beauty matters most to God. Also one does NOT have to perform in order to be loved and accepted. I totally agree with both of these. As a high school girl, pressures about looks mean a lot to me of course and sometimes I do think that beautiful girls are worth more, at least in the social part of life. Bu t God doesn’t look at the social part of life in the end but inside and I pray to be more focused on the inside than I am on the out.

In the ‘Guys’ chapter, everything came back to the fact that waiting for and till marriage is the best way to go with anything. It’s not okay to go out with a non- Christian, not okay to date without the purpose of getting married, and staying pure will be the best gift you could give to your husband, even though you might feel lonely at times. Gods the only man I need now.

In the ‘Relationship’ section, it talks about relationships with your friends and with authority. If one’s life is different online than it is in real life, then one’s life contradicts itself and they become a hypocrite. When I first got a Facebook, liking stuff and adding onto your information page was popular. So I like a lot, such as artists that were popular at the time but I didn’t really enjoy too much or popular TV shows that weren’t too Christian. I thought that people would think I was cool if I said I liked cool stuff. But I changed it after my Dad saw that it countered my real life. Looking back, that was really dumb of me. Both lives have to equal out.

In the section about ‘Faith’, it restated the fact that “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian as sitting in a garage doesn’t make you a car.” True conversion requires faith in Christ Jesus as a Savior with a growing love for God, a growing hatred for sin, and a growing desire to obey Gods word.
I learned from the ‘Sin’ chapter that there are always consequences for sin even if we can’t see them. I don’t agree with the part they said about burning a CD is a sin and against the law. Sometimes you just gotta listen to some music on the road. And as for the ‘Media’ and ‘Future’ section, I realized that if I actually listened to the lyrics of my music, they’re not the best choice I could be listening to. And also it’s important for me to have the strength and career of the modern American woman, but not forget that being a submissive wife and loving mother is just as important. Listening and dwelling on a lie is what makes it stick in our hearts. If we shoot them down while they’re young or just not listen to them in our heads, we’ll be freer from the bondage of sin. One of the bug things I learned was how sin was actually bondage. Sin is viewed by some people as freedom. You don’t have to check in anywhere Sundays, you’re not held accountable, you can do anything you want to. But there was a story in the beginning about a girl who focused too much on her image and fell into anorexia. She couldn’t get out no matter what she did, and when she replaced that lie that to be skinny is beautiful, she was free from the bondage that is sin. You have more freedom under God. I didn’t understand that till now. I would definitely recommend this book to any young woman. Maybe Hope. Cause it teaches you about relevant doubt in your life, not just generalities.


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