My Great grandparents Ole Statland and Lena Brors Statland
My Great grandparents Ole Statland and Lena Brors Statland
Link to the Jesmer Family page
Link to Harvey and Alice Jesmer’s page (Ole’s grandaughter)
Link to Michail Statland’s page (Ole’s father)
Link to pics from Namsos Norway
The children of Ole and Lena Statland
Documents of Ole and Lena Statland
Siblings of Ole: John
Advertising from Wildrose North Dakota 1910’2 to 1920’s
Link to newspaper articles about Ole and Lena Statland
This page is dedicated to Ole and Lena Statland, my great grandparents. Ole is my grandmother’s, Alice Jesmer’s, father. He came from Namsos Norway with his father, Michail. The farmed in Minnesota and then 6 miles from Wildrose North Dakota. Eventually he moved his family north near Wadena Saskatchewan Canada. They had one daughter and three sons. His wife, Lena had a mental breakdown and spent the last of her life in a mental health facility where she died. My dad, Ted, attributed this to the hard life of living on the farm in the depression years and dust bowl years. I think that their generation is the last generation to actually carry on Norwegian traditions. They were attendants of the the Lutheran Church.
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