
Questions about the Movie Noah: Who were the fallen “Sons of God” and how were they relating to humanity?

Question # 3 about the movie Noah…

  • Who were the fallen “Sons of God” and how were they relating to humanity?                                fallen angels
  •           The sons of God are a Christian controversy. Some say that they are the descendants of Seth, who had faith and ministered to the people in a priestly role. They were to tell the world about God and live righteous and holy lives. But the problem was that the Sons of God compromised with the world and became more interested in the daughters of “men” than with the things of God and serving their calling. In essence, they became compromised in their faith and there was no one left on the face of the earth to represent God and righteousness, except Noah and his family.

Some Christians say that the Sons of God were fallen angels, who were cast down to earth and found the daughters of men attractive and had children by them. These children became the Nephilim, heroes of old, men of renown, maybe like Thor or Hercules.

The movie calls these fallen angels the Watchers. They were cast down to the earth and encased in rock by the Creator. They tried to help mankind by teaching them technology, but mankind turned on them. They were the ones who protected Noah and helped him build the ark and the protected the ark from a desperate humanity. Through their serving and sacrifice, they were released to go back to the Creator. This implies that God is a God who is looking for enough good works to release us from suffering, which Christians know is not the case. God is a God of grace.

I believe that the sons of God were people who were to live holy lives and show others the way to God, not stone clad angels. I was a little disappointed in this part of the movie. It was like “Lord of the Rings” at some points.

I don’t think one would get complete consensus among Christians. 2/3 might agree that the sons of God are people, the descendants of Seth and the other 1/3 would say they are fallen angels. But these latter people can never tell you what they might have looked like or how they might have acted.

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