
Questions to ask about the movie Noah…Who could build such an enormous vessel?

Questions to ask about the movie Noah…

building the ark

  1. Who could build such an enormous vessel?

How could Noah and his wife and sons and daughter in laws build this enormous ark all by themselves? They would have had to hewn huge timbers and packed them with some resin like substance, petroleum like pitch maybe. The Bible leaves you with the impression that the eight of them did it and they didn’t get any help from the people of the world. The people of the world were mocking them, “Where is this flood? Everything keeps on going as it always has?”  “Leave us alone. What can the Almighty do to us?” (Job 22:16) I don’t think that Noah got much help. And what if some people helped him? Would they help and then volunteer to die when the flood came? Did Noah have slaves? Did Noah pay craftsmen to do the work? Maybe the 8 of them did build it over a very long period of time. If Noah did employ builders, truthfully he would have to offer them a place on the ark then. If they refused the invite then that is their problem, not Noah’s or God’s. Actually I would like this scenario to be played out in the movie.

The movie dealt with the manpower issue in this way…the rock encrusted fallen angels, the “sons of God”, felt like they wanted to help. Maybe they were paying penance. Maybe they felt compassion for Noah and his family. Maybe they were trying to please the creator. But they seemed content to help build the ark and then be swallowed up by the flood. In that case they were truly selfless. Their sacrifices became the basis for their release from their rocky prison casings.

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