
Quotes Concerning Missionary Support Teams- compiled by Kevin E. Jesmer 4-22-16

Quotes Concerning Missionary Support Teams.

Compiled by Kevin E. Jesmer 4-22-16

cross church mission picture

reaching out to family members

 The following are come quotes I have collected concerning missionary support teams.  Missionaries need to have the support of those who stay behind. They need a broad support network standing with them in their mission. These could be some helpful quotes.

Acts 13:2-3,

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” (ESV)

“I am only as good as the people around me.” – In praise of the people who stand by our side and support us day in and day out.

support team-what it means to be left -tet 2013

-From To Every Tribe Mission Agency. Ekballo Conference NIU 2013

“Rather, my advice is when a local church sends, do it right. Don’t send novice missionaries on your own. Don’t send any missionaries without some kind of prearranged field support system.”  –  Mark Morris May 27, 2009.

“From the beginning, we have been conscious that it was not God alone, nor just we two, but there were the “third parties” who made our mission and our lives a success. Those who so faithfully stood by us in gifts and prayers have entered into our labors.”

“Out Of Weakness Strength”, Faith H. Turner. World Radio Missionary Fellowship. Miami Florida. 1968. p. 48

“In that city we met with a prayer group in the home of a charming lady, Miss Kohler. They truly knew the secret of intercession and have been faithfully upholding the Bible Institute of the Air in prayer ever since. No wonder there has been blessing in the work in Quito, for we are “laborers together with God.” Only eternity will reveal the reward that will be theirs and all of our prayer partners in all parts of the world! My life is “charmed” only because godly people have prayed, “without ceasing” for me ever since I heard the call “Go”- and I obeyed. God has heard and answered.”

“Out Of Weakness Strength”. By Faith Turner. World Radio Missionary Fellowship. C. 1968. page. 227

 Paul never went out to plant a church alone. He always had a team that included great leaders like Barnabas, Silas, John Mark, Timothy, Luke and other qualified leaders. Never attempt to plant a local congregation without a faith community supplying a competent planting team to support you.”

7 Principles for Church Planting According to the New Testament Pattern


“Beautiful expression on how a local body can help in the great commission.” – Johnny Bates. -2015

“Thank you all so much! What a huge project and great amount of work done for our missionaries. I know (the missionaries) appreciate it deeply and profoundly touched by your support.  It is truly a team effort to send missionaries.”- Steve Leston. -2015

It has been said that for every missionary sent out on the mission field there should be eight people back home, supporting and praying for the team. The team is not just a prayer team, but a support team that covers many facets of missionary support.

(Serving As Senders. By Neal Pirolo. c.1991.)

“So, this is a special tribute and recognition to the very committed people who partner with us – we thank God because you are radical! Thank you for your inspiration and love!”  The Radicals Who Stay. Trevor Holloway Gospel Nov 27, 2014)



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