
The Growth Of The Canada Room. By Kevin E. Jesmer 3-5-16

The Growth Of The Canada Room. By Kevin E. Jesmer  3-5-16

Canada room-steve teaching 2-29-16

The Canada room is a space in the KBC office in Sycamore Il, dedicated to the study of the First Nation culture and Gospel mission to the region in NW Ontario. It is a place where missionaries come to receive training and orientation prior to heading north to Canada. We pray that the Canada Room may be a regional center of learning. It has been developing over the last one year. Two missionaries, Ron K. and Matt K. spent a lot of time making some initial renovations. Members of the youth group painted the area. Some men of the church did some bathroom renovations. Another Christian ministry offered furniture. A family donated a TV. Others donated furnishings, books and art. Frank and Marie Drown donated some books to our library. We are very thankful to Jesus for growing the Canada Room to what it is today in 2016. May it continue to grow to be a place where God can be glorified and the Gospel preached.

Part one: The Bathrooms and interior decorating.

regional map study area snowshoes snowshoe corner poster pics office 2 office 1 mitts and drum library hall entrance chairs bathroom in the making 2 bathroom in making

Part two: The furniture comes in.

Canada room- fridge

kevin steve dan in office 2-16 dining area tv room office 2 office new bathroom lobby meeting room tv room 2
Tim unlaoding 2-16

Part three: The room gets used.

Canada room-steve teaching 2-29-16 canada room eating 2-29-16 canada room group pic 2 canada room note taking 2-29-16 canada room teaching canada room training board canada room training manual canada room tv room canada room we were children Canada room-phillip martin 2-29-16

Part Four: Please pray for the Canada Room to be a regional center of learning.

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