
The Last Place MY Dad and Mom Lived: Riverside Lions Apartment Wpg MB

The Last Place MY Dad and Mom Lived: Riverside Lions Apartment Winnipeg Manitoba.

Address:  Apt 306: 188 Worthington Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2M 5K1. There lived here from Spring 2017  to August 9th, 2020. Before this place they lived at a house on 42 Alburg Drive Winnipeg Manitoba. The house was getting too hard for them to handle. My dad’s lung function was decreasing and it was difficult for him to do minor maintenance. He was beginning to pay people to mow his lawn and shovel his driveway. My mother was getting more and more forgetful because if her dementia. Every phone call my mom would say, “I don’t know what we are going to do with all of this stuff. There is so much of it.” When the opportunity to move into Lion’s Apartments came, my dad asked me if they should take it. I told him, “Yes!” take it right away. They hired a company to sell the contents of their home. Most of the belonging sold for peanuts. The rest went into the garbage. Some of their furniture went into their new, two bedroom apartment.  It is amazing how we think our belongings are worth so much, but in reality nobody wants it. It is also amazing how we are so attached to it all and don’t want to let it go. I am thankful for the Lion’s Apartments. It was safe. The laundry was not the same floor. They brought meals to the room. This was especially convenient in the last months of my father’s life. He could cook for he and my mom. He could have the tubing of his oxygen concentrator reach to every corner of the apartment. He wore 2 – 3L of oxygen, even at night. Karen, his daughter, brought supplies to the apartment every week. When Kevin visited yearly, he would stay in their apartment. He was always welcome to stay and park his car there for three days. There was a parking garage in the basement where they parked their burgundy Dodge Caravan. My dad was driving right up to the end.


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