
Why I Look Forward To Reflecting On God’s Work Each Year. By Kevin E. Jesmer 2-6-18

Why I Look Forward To Reflecting On God’s Work Each Year. By Kevin E. Jesmer 2-6-18 

   At the beginning of each year I get excited about meditating on the God’s work in the previous year. I reflect on where we were at the beginning of the year and where Jesus led us throughout the year.  I have been doing this since 1987.

     It is a chance to see the big picture and the hand of God at work. I try to distill all of the individual events, searching for themes and currents. I revel in how God answered prayer. I propose prayer topics for the coming year.

     Each thing that God accomplished is beautiful in itself. But they are much more beautiful when they are put all together. In this picture, the clouds and sky are majestic; the mountains in the horizon are inspiring and the flowers in the foreground are beautiful. Each can be beautiful standing all alone. But when you widen the scope of the lens and see all of them together, recognizing how each has been coordinated by their Maker, the beauty of everything becomes enthralling.

    Think about this…how do you get rose perfume? One simple explanation is that you collect beautiful, fresh, rose petals and distill them down until a few drops of fragrant perfume is created.  Each rose petal is beautiful in itself, but put together they can be made into a perfume that fills the whole room with its fragrance.

    I think this is why meditating on the work of God, in its entirety, with a wide-angle lens, is important. The life of every missionary and God’s work in each community is important. It is beautiful. But seeing the work of God in a larger context and discovering how God brought each component together, is magnificent. And so with this in mind I set out to meditate on all that our great God and Savior Jesus has accomplished in 2017 and catch some vision for 2018.

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