h May The Words From Your Mouth Come From An “Artesian Well” In Your Soul.

Archive for August, 2011

May The Words From Your Mouth Come From An “Artesian Well” In Your Soul.

May The Words From Your Mouth Come From An “Artesian Well” In Your Soul. “You cannot preach conviction of sin unless you have suffered it. You cannot preach repentance unless you have practiced it. You cannot preach faith unless you have exercised it. True preaching is artesian; it wells up from the great depths of […]


July 2011 Mission Report: God Wants Us To Restore Our Hope And Our Vision

God Wants Us To Restore Our Hope And Our Vision NIU UBF July 2011 Mission Report Shp Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF Part l: People In Your Fellowship Jenn finished her summer school and she started her job this summer, de-tasseling corn. It is a hard job. Sometimes she needed to be at work at 6 […]


Stop Worshipping Idols and Begin to Glorify God.

Stop Worshipping Idols and Begin to Glorify God. Psalm 115:1-18 Key Verse: 115:1 Shp Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF\ “1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115 teaches something very practical about what to trust in during these turbulent times. […]


Dark Power Collection: The Society by Bill Myers

Dark Power Collection: The Society by Bill Myers Book report by Sarah (14) 16 year old Rebecca and her little brother Scott William are new kids in town. They and their parents lived in South America. They were missionaries, medical and spiritual. The whole family loved it, up until the crash. Mr. Williams got in […]


Sermons On Genesis by Harold A. Bosley

Sermons On Genesis by Harold A. Bosley Book review by Kevin Jesmer Harold A. Bosely was a pastor of the First Methodist Church in Evanston Illinois. In the 1950’s it was recognized as one of the outstanding “preaching stations” in the nation. In the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and the other figures from […]


Emotional Purity : An Affair of the Heart by Heather Paulsen.

Jennifer Jesmer (16) This month I read the book Emotional Purity : An Affair of the Heart by Heather Paulsen. This book is centered around Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Many Christians are very seriously against sex before marriage, but don’t ever think of the […]


Great Women Of The Christian Faith

Great Women Of The Christian Faith by: Edith Deen Copy Right 1959 Harper and Brothers Publishers. New York Book report by Kevin Jesmer of NIU UBF Edith Deen (1905 to 1994) was an author, lecturer and public personality from Texas. She was the editor and daily columnist of Fort Worth newspaper. Her husband was once […]


“Wild At Heart” by

Book Report on “Wild At Heart” by Kevin Jesmer 9-1-10 The Book that I read last month was entitled, “Wild At Heart”. Julie wanted me to read this book for some time. There was a time when I was despaired and depressed. Julie felt that I need to capture the essence of what it meant […]


Your Church Is Too Small- Dr John Armstrong

by Kevin Jesmer 8-5-10 I thank God that I could read a book. I read, “Your Church Is Too Small” by John H. Armstrong. I finally found my happy place where there is few distractions and where I can focus. My happy place is McDonald’s. The dedication of the book reads, “For the advancement of […]


Forgotten Factors …. An Aid To Deeper Repentance by Roy Hession.

Forgotten Factors …. An Aid To Deeper Repentance            by Roy Hession.                                           Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF     11/3/10       This book is a short book about repentance. We tend to think of repentance as just some superficial act without any thought. We think I repent of swearing and I repent of lustful thinking. But repentance is much […]