h Getting to know the community of Mishkeegogamang Ontario

Archive for November, 2013

Getting to know the community of Mishkeegogamang Ontario

Getting to know the community of Mishkeegogamang Ontario. The following is a page dedicated to getting to know the community. It contains article, pictures and link to videos about the community. Enjoy. Mishkeegogamang First Nation, also known as New Osnaburgh, Osnaburgh House, Osnaburgh or “Oz” for short, is an Ojibwa First Nation. “Osnaburgh” comes from Osnaburgh House, a Hudson’s Bay Company post founded […]


Edward Leslie Bagyinka and Lorraine Lily (Jesmer) Bagyinka

Edward Leslie Bagyinka and Lorraine Lily (Jesmer) Bagyinka. Lorraine is the daughter of Carl and Jessie Jesmer. Click here to return to family history home page. Click here to return to Nelson A Jesmer’s page Link to newspaper articles about Carl Children of Carl and Jessie:   Genevieve, David, Lorraine, Lorna, Howard, Hugh, Patricia, Barry and Brian. […]


David Carl Jesmer and Marion (Turnbull) Jesmer

David Carl Jesmer and Marion (Turnbull) Jesmer. The following page in dedicated to the family of David and Marion Jesmer. David is the son of Carl and Jessie Jesmer. Click here to return to family history home page. Click here to return to Nelson A Jesmer’s page Link to newspaper articles about Carl Children of […]


11-29-13. 1 Kings 1:28-53. A CRITICAL DECISION-my devotional

11-29-13. 1 Kings 1:28-53. A CRITICAL DECISION-my devotional 1 Kings 1:28-53 Friday, November 29, 2013 Key Verse: 1:30                                                                           […]


Thankful for my family, that we can gather together to celebrate thanksgiving

Thankful for my family, that we can gather together to celebrate thanksgiving.  Our hearts do go out to Jenn who is in Montreal at university. We miss her, but she needs to follow the missio Dei on her life as we follow ours.


11-28-13. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28. IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES- my devotional

11-28-13. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28. IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES- my devotional 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 Thursday, November 28, 2013 Key Verse: 5:18                                                                         […]


Getting To Know The Community of Cat Lake Ontario

Getting To Know The Community of Cat Lake Ontario The photos were mostly from the Lutheran Church’s LAMP mission to Cat Lake on 2013. Thank you LAMP! Cat Lake First Nation is an Ojibwa community approximately 180 kilometres northwest of Sioux Lookout. Wasaya Airways run daily on regular schedules. Winter/ice roads also connects from Pickle Lake, Ontario, via Northern Ontario Resource Trail during the winter months, […]


‘Cultic’ Temple, 10,000-Year-Old House Found in Israel. By Megan Gannon 11-25-13

‘Cultic’ Temple, 10,000-Year-Old House Found in Israel. By Megan Gannon 11-25-13 link to original article This image shows the 10,000-year-old house, the oldest dwelling to be unearthed to date in the Judean … Archaeologists say they’ve uncovered some stunning finds while digging at a construction site in Israel, including stone axes, a “cultic” temple and traces […]


11-26-13 Do we love people or do we love the mission more?

11-26-13 Do we love people or do we love the mission more? Do we love people, as brothers and sisters in Christ, or do we love the Christian mission we are involved in more than people? What a hard question to ask! It is easy to love people that are involved in our unique mission. […]


First real snowfall of the season.

First real snowfall of the season.  It looks nice. The trouble in Chicago it melts quickly and it is hard to enjoy. Not like in Northern Wisconsin and Canada. I hope to go sledding at Russel Woods one day.