h Your words are not futile and useless.

Archive for May, 2014

Your words are not futile and useless.

Your words are not futile and useless.  Do you realize that in this world, there are tens of thousands of people interested in what you have to say and thousands of people who need to hear what you have to say. Your words are not futile and useless. They can be a blessing to your […]


A prayer for those wanting the most blessed summer ever!

A prayer for those wanting the most blessed summer ever! (5-30-14) Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for this new summer season. It is filled with hope, new life and new possibilities and adventure. With your help we can make the most out of our summer. With your help, it can be so fruitful and […]


5-31-14. Daniel 9:1-27. DANIEL’S PENITENT PRAYER-My devotional

5-31-14. Daniel 9:1-27. DANIEL’S PENITENT PRAYER-My devotional   Daniel 9:1-27   Kevin E. Jesmer    5-31-14 Key Verse: 9:4-5 “ I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, saying, “O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned […]


5-29-14. Daniel 8:1-27. A RAM, A GOAT AND A HORN-my devotional

5-29-14. Daniel 8:1-27. A RAM, A GOAT AND A HORN-my devotional   Daniel 8:1-27 5-29-14 Key Verse: 8:25                                                                                                       Kevin E. Jesmer “By his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall become great. Without warning he shall destroy many. And he shall even rise up against the […]


We had a great Memorial Day 2014. Public memorial service and N of N picnic

We had a great Memorial Day 2014. Public memorial service and Network of Nations picnic. Mark and Augi went with Julie and I. I played catch with a man from Jordan. It was a carnivore’s delight. (also a lot of vegan choices.) Many people from other nations. A small taste of the Kingdom of God. […]


Enjoying a day off of work. The last three days were challenging, but fulfilling.

Enjoying a day off of work. The last three days were challenging, but fulfilling.  I do enjoy a day off however.


A prayer for those who are praying for International students.

A prayer for those who are praying for International students… Dear Lord, please bless the International student’s among us. Please help us to have great fellowship with each other. Though we come from different countries and some from other religions, help us to gather together as the brotherhood of mankind. May our Christian love shine […]


5-26-14. Daniel 7:1-28. AN INDESTRUCTIBLE KINGDOM – my devotional

5-26-14. Daniel 7:1-28. AN INDESTRUCTIBLE KINGDOM – my devotional Daniel 7:1-28.                                           Kevin E. Jesmer                                   5-26-14  Key Verse: […]


5-25-15. Daniel 6:16-28. GOD RESCUES DANIEL – my devotional

5-25-15. Daniel 6:16-28. GOD RESCUES DANIEL – my devotional Daniel 6:16-28                                    Kevin E. Jesmer                                              5-25-14 Key Verse: 6:22  “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.”(ESV) Dear Lord, […]


I thank God for an Art of Marriage session in a campground site.

I thank God for an Art of Marriage session in a campground site.  We had session 4 at Rock Cut State Park in Rockford Il. It worked. It was very graceful.  Hawks fans were even willing to miss the first two goals in the playoff game. That means a lot. We also got a small […]