h A prayer for those seeking true adventure in life…

Archive for July, 2014

A prayer for those seeking true adventure in life…

A prayer for those seeking true adventure in life….. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word that feeds our heart, mind and soul with good, satisfying things. In a world where everything is perishing, spoiling and fading away, there you are Lord, with your Word and your Spirit. Jesus is the Bread of Life. […]


7-28-14. Job 15:1-35. Eliphaz Was Blind To The true Picture-my devotional

7-28-14. Job 15:1-35. Eliphaz Was Blind To The true Picture-my devotional Job 15:1-35                                                                                           Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 15: 7-8                                                                                   7-28-14 “Are you the first man ever born? Were you brought forth before the hills? 8 Do you listen in on God’s council? Do you have a monopoly on wisdom?” Dear Lord Jesus, thank you […]


7-25-14. Job 14:1-22. Yes- A Person Will Live Again After They Die–my devotional

7-25-14. Job 14:1-22. Yes- A Person Will Live Again After They Die–my devotional Job 14:1-22                                                                                                        Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verse: 14:14a                                                                                             7-25-14 “If someone dies, will they live again?…” Dear Lord, my Father in Heaven, thank you for blessing us in so many ways. You bless us with intangible (spiritual) things that are truly worth […]


A prayer for those who know the value of intangible spiritual things…

A prayer for those who know the value of intangible spiritual things… Dear Lord, my Father in Heaven, thank you for blessing us in so many ways. You bless us with intangible (spiritual) things that are truly worth more than gold to us. We tend to think that more money, more possessions, a bigger house […]


A Letter About Jean Philippe Soquet’s and Esperance’s kids

A Letter About Jean Philippe Soquet’s and Esperance’s kids  It is a basically a letter about Genevieve (Jenny) (Soquet) Jesmer’s Relatives. I think it is written by Bruce Morton, Jenny’s grandson, born to Ida. Nelson and Jenny Jesmer are my great grandparents. Click here to return to the family history home page     Link to […]


7-24-14. Job 13:1-28. Hope In God At Any Cost – my devotional

7-24-14. Job 13:1-28. Hope In God At Any Cost – my devotional Job 13:1-28                                                                                          Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verse: 13:15a                                                                                7-24-14 “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him;…” Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for sending people into our lives to help lift our burdens and ease our anguish. They are peacemakers. […]


More letters about Jule and Emma (Reetz) Ego

More letters about Jule and Emma (Reetz) Ego. I am just posting the files my dad gave me so they can get out to interested folk. If anyone wants changes or info contact me at Kevinjesmer@yahoo.com. Jule and Emma Ego. Jules is the son of Jean Philippe Soquet. He is the brother of my great […]


A pray for those who are thankful for peacemakers coming into their lives…

A pray for those who are thankful for peacemakers coming into their lives… Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for sending people into our lives to help lift our burdens and ease our anguish. They are peacemakers. They see others’ burdens and their sufferings and they step up to sacrifice some thing of themselves to […]


This page is to document David Carl Jesmer through the ages.

This page is to document David Carl Jesmer through the ages. It is to honor him. He  passed away on July 17, 2014 at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.The following page in dedicated to the family of David and Marion Jesmer. David is the son of Carl and Jessie Jesmer. Click here to […]


Looking Forward to the Annual Candy Drop event.

Looking Forward to the Annual Candy Drop event. Yes, candy drop. A plane drops candies for kids. There are also some some family friendly events. Nice, and calm and peaceful. I like that more and more in my life. “The Amazing Anderson Sky High candy Drop is scheduled from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday at […]