h Peter Robideau and Julia (Jesmer) Robideau. The sister of Joseph A. Jesmer

Archive for June, 2018

Peter Robideau and Julia (Jesmer) Robideau. The sister of Joseph A. Jesmer

Peter Robideau and Julia (Jesmer) Robideau Jesmer family history page Joseph Jesmer and Julia (Plamondon) Jesmer page. Julia’s parents.  Link to Joseph A. Jesmer, Julia’s brother.  The siblings of (Julia Jesmer) Robideau: The children of Joseph and Julia.    Joseph and Mary Ann Jesmer, Nelson Edward Jesmer and (Sarah Goulding) Jesmer, Adeline Mary Jesmer Grow (and […]


Jeremiah 51:1-32. The Lord Is Our Everlasting Portion. He Is The One We Trust

 The Lord Is Our Everlasting Portion. He Is The One We Trust Jeremiah 51:1-32                                          Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 51:19                                                   6-19-18 “He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these, for he is the Maker of all things, including the people of his inheritance—the Lord Almighty is his name.” (19)       Dear Lord, […]


Jeremiah 50:1-46. By God’s Power And Forgiveness His People Are Freed.

By God’s Power And Forgiveness His People Are Freed Jeremiah 50:1-46                            Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verse: 50:34                             6-18-18 “Yet their Redeemer is strong; the Lord Almighty is his name. He will vigorously defend their cause so that he may bring rest to their land, but unrest to those who live in Babylon.” Dear Lord Jesus, […]


Moses A. Jesmer and Effie (Day) Jesmer-the brother of Joseph A. Jesmer

Moses A. Jesmer is the brother of my Great-Great Grandfather Joseph A. Jesmer. (Do not confuse him with Moses E. Jesmer who was the son of Joseph A. Jesmer.) He was married to Effie Day. He moved out west with another man, William Day (possibly a relative of his wife), from Princeton to start a […]


N.A. Grow and Adeline Mary (Jesmer) Grow

N.A. Grow and Adeline Mary (Jesmer) Grow. Adeline was the sister of my Great-Great Grandfather, Joseph A. Jesmer. She married N.A. Grow and lived out the latter part of her life in Greenbush Township, near Princeton Minnesota. A special thanks to Thomas Lamping who posted some of his research in FindAGrave. (some pics are oversized. […]