h Ted Jesmer’s Letter to Kevin Discussing Research On An Ancestor. 1999

Archive for October, 2020

Ted Jesmer’s Letter to Kevin Discussing Research On An Ancestor. 1999

Ted Jesmer’s Letter to Kevin Discussing Research On An Ancestor. 1999. Ted Jesmer had a hobby. It was genealogy. He shared some of his findings with me over the years. It was a common interest of ours. Here is a letter he sent after he found out about my murderous Great – great grandfather, Jean […]


Ted Jesmer’s Letter to Kevin Jesmer About The Trip Alaska and Yukon 2005

Ted Jesmer’s Letter to Kevin Jesmer About The Trip Alaska and Yukon 2005. It was always a dream of my dad, Ted Jesmer to take a road trip to Alaska. He and my mom, Della made the trip in 2005. He wrote a letter sharing about his experience. I post it now so that his […]


Intro page to…The Diary of Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass During the Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918-1920

The Diary of Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass During the Spanish Flu Pandemic     1918-1920 return to the main page for Albert and Sarah Mass January 1 to 9  January 10-10 This diary is written my Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass. Maude is Helen Nugent’s mother. She was known as Sarah. She was a twenty-four-year-old single lady when […]


The Diary of Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass During the Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918-1920. January 1 -9.

The Diary of Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass During the Spanish Flu Pandemic     1918-1920 January 1 -9 return to the Main page for the diary. return to the main page for Albert and Sarah Mass This diary is written my Maude (Sarah) Dwyer Mass. Maude is Helen Nugent’s mother. She was known as Sarah. She was […]


.Steve.Jesmer.- Country Singer from Saskatchewan

.Steve.Jesmer.- He is a famous Jesmer in Sakatchewan and North Dakota. He is a country singer from Saskatchewan. Steve is the son of Gloria and Howard Jesmer of Wadena Saskatchewan. He has made quite  name for himself as a country singer. He reminds me Dwight Yokum. He even competed in the Canadian Idol Competition.  


Cornwall Ontario…From From Royal Township to Industrialized City.

Cornwall Ontario…From From Royal Township to Industrialized City. This book contains some accounts of what was happening in Cornwall Ontario during the war of 1812. This was the environment that the Jesmers were living in as farmers prior to making the move to Fort Covington around 1814.


What Inspired The Jesmers To Move To Upper State New York?

Cornwall Ontario During The War of 1812.  Louis Duhaut Jasmin (a son of the Jesmer immigrant ancestor) moved to Fort Covington New York prior to 1820. He was in the census there in 1820. He came with his two brothers and grew his family. What was going in and around Cornwall Ontario that would inspire […]


A history of Bombay, Fort Covington & Hogansburg Upper State New York & Bombay Census 1850

A history of Bombay, Fort Covington & Hogansburg Upper State New York & Bombay Census 1850 The Jesmer’s lived around Hogansburg New York. My G-G-G-grandfather Joseph Sr. and his son, my G-G grandfather Joseph A. Jesmer farmed in between Hogansburg and Bombay NY. It was a 1.5 miles in between the towns. The three towns […]