h The Brad Theater, Later Called The Stage Theater

Archive for October, 2021

The Brad Theater, Later Called The Stage Theater

The Brad Theater and later the Stage Theater: This was the second theater in town other than the Strand. I liked the Strand better. But the Brad had some good movies. I had my first solo date there. In grade eight, (1978) I took a girl to the movies without my friends. A few moments […]


Thompson Bowling Lanes

Now to create the next virtual tour, The “Thompson Lanes” bowling alley. Started in 1965 and closed in 2010. I think there is a new bowling company there now. I like the five pin bowling. When I moved to the states all I see here is the ten-pin bowling. I think the five pin was […]


The Bay in Thompson

The Hudson Bay Company I was thinking about the Bay. I know we talked about the Plaza…but this time lets focus on the Bay. It was started in 1961, (I think). My mom used to work at the food counter in the Bay. She met my dad at an apartment party and they dated. He […]


Thompson Airport

The Thompson Airport. It was built in 1961. (I included some early pics). Our family liked taking a road trip to the airport and eating a light meal at the restaurant there. I only flew out of there once. I was in grade 8 and my friend Dave and I won a contest, “salute to […]


Dickie Dee Ice-cream in Thompson

I never worked for Dickee Dee, but I sure liked hearing that bell and running to get money to buy some of their items. Yumm. 2nd and 3rd generation page


A & W in Thompson

A&W was simply magical. The fun started as soon as you turned the corner into the drive-in restaurant. You would tell your parents the order. Your dad or mom would tell the order into the speaker and then, after a short wait, a lady would carry your order on a tray and place it on […]


Southwood Restaurant

In my books the Southwood Restaurant was the finest coffee shop in town. I loved the endless coffee and also the heated raison butter tarts and ice-cream and the early morning breakfasts. They had good fried and gravy. There were lineups to get in and sit down, it was so popular. When you went there, […]


Greaser Day

Greaser Day. This was part of Spirit Week each year at R.D. Parker. Most of the pics were from 1978. Two were collected from a former post. This day looks like a lot of fun. They even had Chinese Fire Drills with their cars. People really got into it. I, personally don’t remember getting dressed […]


High School Lunch Room

The Lunch Room: This was a great place. It is where our friends hung out. It is a place where you could see everyone. We could eat together, bringing our bag lunches. I remember loving the square, thick crust pizza that they sold at the lunch window. In the 1978 and 1980 there was a […]


Fashion Shows at City Center Mall

City Center Mall Fashion Shows: These were absolutely glorious events. The mall was filled with people. I think I was in this crowd. I would have been in grade eight. There was disco music from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. On stage were your friends and people you knew. They were strutting their stuff and […]