h You Know How They Say The Divorce Rate In The Church Is 50%? Prepare To Be Shocked… F. Peter Brown 6-23-14

Archive for the ‘Divorce’ Category

You Know How They Say The Divorce Rate In The Church Is 50%? Prepare To Be Shocked… F. Peter Brown 6-23-14

You Know How They Say The Divorce Rate In The Church Is 50%? Prepare To Be Shocked… F. Peter Brown 6-23-14 Link to original article These statistics show that the truth is radically different than what is normally reported… It is commonly thought that the rate of divorce in the church is the same as […]


Divorce Shocker: Most Marriages Do Make It. By Paul Strand. May 06, 2014

Divorce Shocker: Most Marriages Do Make It.  By Paul Strand.  May 06, 2014 Link to original article ATLANTA — Most people believe only half of U.S. marriages make it. But a leading researcher is announcing the true divorce rate is much lower and always has been. Shaunti Feldhahn received her research training at Harvard. She and her […]