h “Spend More Time In Study And Prayer” – If Billy Graham could do it over again

Archive for the ‘education’ Category

“Spend More Time In Study And Prayer” – If Billy Graham could do it over again

“Spend More Time In Study And Prayer”  “ If Graham had the opportunity to live his life over again, he said there are things he would do differently. “I would study more. I would pray more, travel less, take less speaking engagements. I took too many of them in too many places around the world,” […]


5-2-12 Why House Church Leaders Need To Study A Lot

5-2-12 Why House Church Leaders Need To Study A Lot By Kevin Jesmer  NIU UBF 5-2-12 There is a danger in house churches that the leaders may not be grounded in Christian theology. They may not have Christian mentors or outside influences. We end up studying on our own. We talk to our own people. […]


4-21-12 Public Schools for Christian Kids is OK.

Public Schools for Christian Kids is OK Kevin’s Pastor’s blog 4-21-12 In a small house church we wonder how we can help our children to receive a proper education without being corrupted by this world’s philosophies and value systems and the “idols” of our culture. Some send their kids to Christian schools and some home […]