h 4-7-15. Exodus 7:7. Love Like You Are 80! Senior Ministry- Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer

Archive for the ‘Exodus short devotionals’ Category

4-7-15. Exodus 7:7. Love Like You Are 80! Senior Ministry- Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer

4-7-15. Exodus 7:7. Love like you are 80! Senior Ministry- Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer God gives senior citizens strength and gospel missions to embrace. In Exodus 7 Aaron and Moses were very old, but they did not let their advanced age stop them from heading up this exciting mission from God. Look at […]


4-7-15. Exodus 7:1-6. God Makes Mission Impossible…Possible-Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer

4-7-15. Exodus 7:1-6. God Makes Mission Impossible…Possible-Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer God fully equipped Moses for his mission to be the deliverer of his people. God had everything covered. God knew that fluent speech would not convince Pharaoh. But Moses was still worried about it, so God reassured him that Pharaoh would listen to […]


4-6-15. Exodus 5:1-5. Stand Up And Declare The Truth Of God Boldly- Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer

4-6-15. Exodus 5:1-5. Stand Up And Declare The Truth Of God Boldly- Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer First, with faith in God we can speak the truth of God (1-5) Sometimes it is hard to speak Christ and the Gospel with boldness. We are timid and shy. But I can see great boldness in […]


4-6-15. Exodus 4:24-31. God Is Forming His Larger Team – Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer

4-6-15. Exodus 4:24-31.  God Is Forming His Larger Team – Bible Shortz by Kevin E. Jesmer Team work is everything. God’s work is never done by one person. It requires a team formed by God.  You can’t achieve your goals unless you work as a team. Millenials are very much into team work. We might […]


4-6-15. Exodus 4:1-5. Serve The Lord With What God Has Given You- Bible Shortz

4-6-15. Exodus 4:1-5. Serve The Lord With What God Has Given You- Bible Shortz Kevin E. Jesmer Simply being alive and having faith in Jesus is more than enough to serve God. Look at verses Exodus 4:1-5, “Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did […]


4-6-15. Exodus 4:1-9. Knowing You Are Helpless Is A Good Spot To Be In.

4-6-15. Exodus 4:1-9. Knowing You Are Helpless Is A Good Spot To Be In.  Kevin E. Jesmer God can work through us when we realize we are totally helpless to do his will with our own efforts. Once Moses had been confident of his ability to lead his own people out of bondage. He had […]


4-4-15. Exodus 3_13-22. SENT FORTH BY THE GREAT “I AM”-Bible Shortz

4-4-15. Exodus 3_13-22. SENT FORTH BY THE GREAT “I AM”-Bible Shortz Exodus 3:13-22      Kevin E. Jesmer “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you. ‘” (14)  We are sent forth by the great “I Am” […]


4-4-15. Exodus 2:23-3:6 Even In Exodus, The Sowers And The Reapers Were Glad Together-Bible Shortz Kevin E. Jesmer

4-4-15. Exodus 2:23-3:6   Even In Exodus, The Sowers And The Reapers Were Glad Together-Bible Shortz      Kevin  E. Jesmer God’s people were groaning and crying out for a very long time. They may have felt forsaken, but they were not forgotten by God. He heard their cries and he remembered the promises that he had made […]


4-3-15. Exodus 1:15-22. When God Wants To Bless He Blesses –my devotional

4-3-15. Exodus 1:15-22. When God Wants To Bless He Blesses –my devotional Kevin E. Jesmer   There is one sure fire way to a blessed person, not matter what the situation. It is to fear God more than we fear people. The Egyptian king rebuked the midwives because the Israelites continued to increase in numbers. […]


4-3-15. Exodus 1:1-14. Who could even image how God will work?-my devotional

4-3-15. Exodus 1:1-14. Who could even image how God will work?-my devotional Kevin E. Jesmer How do we interpret hardship and even persecution? Do we have eyes to see what God is doing in our lives? History has shown how that God will multiply his people in the world despite the intrigues of people. God […]