h You see that happy missionary family smiling out of the postcard on your fridge? Their marriage is probably hanging by a thread. Peterson 2-16-16

Archive for the ‘Mission in life’ Category

You see that happy missionary family smiling out of the postcard on your fridge? Their marriage is probably hanging by a thread. Peterson 2-16-16

You see that happy missionary family smiling out of the postcard on your fridge? Their marriage is probably hanging by a thread. February 26, 2016 ~ peterson1205 Link to original article “Anybody can smile long enough for an updated newsletter photo.” I winced as the lights suddenly cut off. “Really? Three nights in a row?” I […]


You Can Be A Missionary Right From Where You Are. BY Kevin E. Jesmer. 7-25-16

You Can Be A Missionary Right From Where You Are Kevin E. Jesmer                                                                                                  7-25-16 “You don’t have to move to a far off jungle to be a missionary.”  You can become involved in missionary work right now, right here. There are so many roles that Jesus will lead you into as you serve his kingdom […]


Trust That Jesus Will Bring Convergence In Your Life. By Kevin E. Jesmer 7-25-16

Trust That Jesus Will Bring Convergence In Your Life By Kevin E. Jesmer                                                                                                 7-25-2016 Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (ESV) Everyone is seeking convergence in their lives. They want to know that all of their skills, […]


7-4-16. Numbers 18:1-32. What A Blessing It Is To Be Called Into His Service- my devotional

7-4-16.  Numbers 18:1-32. What A Blessing It Is To Be Called Into His Service- my devotional Numbers 18:1-32             7-4-16 Key Verses: 5,20b            Kevin E. Jesmer “You are to be responsible for the care of the sanctuary and the altar, so that my wrath will not fall on the Israelites again.” (5) “…I am your share […]


Missionaries Must Build Relationships with an Interim Community.

Missionaries Must Build Relationships with an Interim Community. Kevin e. Jesmer                                                                                                           4-26-16 Nurturing Relationships Is A “Must” For Any Missionary – A Series of Essays by Kevin E. Jesmer (2015-2016) Link to Missionary and Mission Development main page.  In this series we are investigating the different components of a successful cross cultural missionary endeavor. In […]


Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me. By John Piper 2-23-2016

Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me. By John Piper  2-23-2016 Link to original article At 70, I am energized to dream great things, because this year Hillary turns 69, Bernie turns 75, and Donald turns 70. My rising energy has nothing to do with their policies or character. It has to do with the incredible fact […]


Some Of The Great Good That Christian Missionaries Do Among Amazonian Tribes. By Kevin E. Jesmer

Some Of The Great Good That Christian Missionaries Do Among Amazonian Tribes by Kevin E. Jesmer  6-8-15 “Knowing the need of a people that are lost and have no Bible or anyone telling them about the Gospel is enough to make you want to leave home, learn a language, and communicate the Gospel to the […]


Always keep nurturing the family within the forefront of the Christian mission.

Always keep nurturing of the family within the forefront of the Christian mission.  Remember, your family, regardless if they are Christians or not, are with you for life. Your family is an oasis in the storms of life. 1 Timothy 3:4a, “He must manage his own household well, …”  Do… -protect the family time. -spend […]


The Ability To Feed One’s “Self” On The Word Of God. By Kevin E. Jesmer 5-26-15

The Ability To Feed One’s “Self” On The Word Of God  Long Term, Cross Cultural Missionaries Need This Skill Set For Longevity On the Mission Field.  By Kevin E. Jesmer                                                                                                         5-26-15  Psalm 1:1-3, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits […]


Missionaries Need A Certain Skill Set For Longevity On the Mission Field. by Kevin E. Jesmer

Missionaries Need A Certain Skill Set For Longevity On the Mission Field.  By Kevin E. Jesmer                                                                                                         5-22-15  Psalm 1:1-3, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 2 but his delight is in the law of […]