h Questions to ask about the movie, Noah. #10. How do you deal with the people of great ages in the Genesis account?

Archive for the ‘Noah’ Category

Questions to ask about the movie, Noah. #10. How do you deal with the people of great ages in the Genesis account?

How do you deal with the people of great ages in the Genesis account? In the movie, Noah, we meet an old man, Methuselah. He was 969 years old at the time of the flood. He was 350, or so years old, when Noah was born. Noah, at the time of the flood was about  […]


Questions to ask about the movie Noah. #9. How could the directors portray that evil was still among them, even in the ark?

How could the directors portray that evil was still among them, even in the ark? The Bible states that problem of sin in human hearts was not solved by the flood. Genesis 8:21 reads, “21 The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of […]


Questions to ask about the movie, Noah. #8. Why did God bring the flood anyway, even when he promised never to do it again and it didn’t work to purge the evil from the hearts of humanity?

Why did God bring the flood anyway, even when he promised never to do it again and it didn’t work to purge the evil from the hearts of humanity? When we study the Genesis account of the flood a question comes to mind, “Why did God do it anyway, especially since he knew it wouldn’t […]


Questions to ask about the movie Noah. #7 How could they take care of the animals once they got them into the ark?

How could they take care of the animals once they got them into the ark? God brought all the animals that had breath to the ark, two by two and some were even seven by seven. They made the long migration to the ark in order to be saved. God was guiding these creatures. Through […]


Questions to ask about the Movie Noah. #6 How could they protect the ark from a violent and desperate humanity?

How could they protect the ark from a violent and desperate humanity?    Even though the people of the world were rejecting the claims of Noah and thinking that the building of the Ark is foolish, there would come a time when the people would realize that the floods were coming just as Noah said. […]


Questions to ask about the movie Noah…Who could build such an enormous vessel?

Questions to ask about the movie Noah… Who could build such an enormous vessel? How could Noah and his wife and sons and daughter in laws build this enormous ark all by themselves? They would have had to hewn huge timbers and packed them with some resin like substance, petroleum like pitch maybe. The Bible […]


Questions to ask about the movie Noah: Where did Noah get all the material for the Ark?

Where did Noah get all the material for the Ark? There is a problem with acquiring all the materials for the ark. The ark was huge. Maybe there were enough logs to be had. Some say that the ark took 120 years to build. I suppose that if you spent a life time building it, […]


Questions about the Movie Noah: Who were the fallen “Sons of God” and how were they relating to humanity?

Question # 3 about the movie Noah… Who were the fallen “Sons of God” and how were they relating to humanity?                                           The sons of God are a Christian controversy. Some say that they are the descendants […]


Genesis 6:5-6. #2. What does it mean that mankind was only bent on doing evil all the time?

2.  What does it mean that mankind was only bent on doing evil all the time? From the Bible’s point of view, the concept of evil is even being selfish or self centered. Roman 2:6-9. “ God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, […]


Gen 4:25-26 – Who were the descendants of Seth and what role did they play in the world?

Some Questions That One Needs To Answer Before Criticizing the Movie Noah.  There has been so much hype about the movie Noah. So many people criticized the movie. There were disclaimers. Christians and Muslims alike criticized it. But many people liked it. After the movie was done in our theater, there were people clapping. I […]