h Why millennials are leaving the church. Opinion by Rachel Held Evans, Special to CNN.

Archive for the ‘Post modern ministry’ Category

Why millennials are leaving the church. Opinion by Rachel Held Evans, Special to CNN.

Why millennials are leaving the church. Opinion by Rachel Held Evans, Special to CNN.  7-27-14  Link to original article (CNN) – At 32, I barely qualify as a millennial. I wrote my first essay with a pen and paper, but by the time I graduated from college, I owned a cell phone and used Google as […]


Why Youth Ministries Are Not Working In America June 4, 2012 by: Adam Mclane

Why Youth Ministries Are Not Working In America June 4, 2012 by: Adam Mclane http://seedbed.com/feed/why-youth-ministries-are-not-working-in-america/ I have a dare for you. Take the next 30 minutes and do a little math. Identify all of the churches and ministry organizations in your community with a youth ministry program. Do a quick estimate or make a couple […]


Book Notes on “You Lost Me” by Julie J.

YOU LOST ME • Disdain for one-sided communication • Church is not safe and hospitable place to express doubt • “reverse mentoring” ~ lots to learn from emerging generation • Need for new architects to designed interconnected approaches to faith transference • Promote an ecosystem that supports more vibrant faith formation • Culture demands of […]