h A prayer for the election of a national leader.

Archive for the ‘Prayers for all occasions’ Category

A prayer for the election of a national leader.

A prayer for the election of a national leader. By Kevin E. Jesmer 2-17-16 Dear Lord, I come to you in prayer for the future president our nation. Guide the whole election process. Help to reveal your choice for the leadership of this nation. Place the right person in office, the one of your choosing. […]


A Prayer For God’s Guidance 2-17-16

A Prayer For God’s Guidance.   Kevin E. Jesmer 2-17-16 Lord Jesus, thank you for being the shepherd of our lives. Thank you for leading our lives by your sovereign hand. We, like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way. But you lead us. You guide us. When we […]


A prayer to step through the doors Christ opens before us.

A prayer to step through the doors Christ opens before us. 2-14-16 Dear Lord Heavenly Father,  I pray that you grant us the strength to keep up with you and what you are doing.  Grant us the grace and wisdom and the strength to remain in the wave of Gospel mission that you are starting […]


A prayer for those aspiring to serve others….

A prayer for those aspiring to serve others…. Give to my eyes light to see those in need. Give to my heart compassion and understanding. Give to my mind knowledge and wisdom. Give to my hands skill and tenderness. Give to my ears the ability to listen. Give to me Lord, strength for this selfless […]


A prayer for those preparing their hearts for a Christian devotional time…

A prayer for those preparing their hearts for a Christian devotional time….. Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you, the Streams of Living Water. Refresh and quench my spiritual thirst for your presence and your word. Satisfy my soul with your truth. Help me to walk in your precepts. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


A prayer for those who are longing for a secure foundation in this world.

A prayer for those who are longing for a secure foundation in this world.….. Dear Lord, heavenly Father thank you for being our Rock and our Sure Foundation. This world is in such turmoil. They don’t know where to turn. People are trying to find a solid foundation on secular concepts, like the “traditional” values […]


A prayer for those who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness

A prayer for those who would rather light a candle than curse the darkness… Lord, thank you for blessing us with peace, stability, hope, abundant resources and the rule of law. These are not “given’s” throughout the world. People are living in hellish conditions, where their nations are falling apart because of one type of […]


A prayer for those who know that family summer vacation is a gift from God…

A prayer for those who know that family summer vacation is a gift from God… Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for family and providing the means to bond together during the summer vacation time. This world, and the devil, want to fragment the family and isolate ourselves from one another so that our love […]


A prayer for those seeking true adventure in life…

A prayer for those seeking true adventure in life….. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word that feeds our heart, mind and soul with good, satisfying things. In a world where everything is perishing, spoiling and fading away, there you are Lord, with your Word and your Spirit. Jesus is the Bread of Life. […]


A prayer for those who know the value of intangible spiritual things…

A prayer for those who know the value of intangible spiritual things… Dear Lord, my Father in Heaven, thank you for blessing us in so many ways. You bless us with intangible (spiritual) things that are truly worth more than gold to us. We tend to think that more money, more possessions, a bigger house […]