h It Takes Gospel Principles To Build A Nation

Archive for the ‘Salvation’ Category

It Takes Gospel Principles To Build A Nation

It Takes Biblical-Gospel Principles To Build A Nation. Kevin E. Jesmer 8-12-17 I just saw Inconvenient Truth Part 2. I agree with Al Gore…we need to do something…and fast. I also noticed humanism in it. India was holding out in the Paris Accord. They said, “We need 150 years to use fossil fuels to build […]


Numbers 21:4-9. Enter Into God’s Way of Salvation By Faith-my devotional 9-10-16

Numbers 21:4-9. Enter Into God’s Way of Salvation By Faith-my devotional 9-10-16  Numbers 21:4-9                     Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 21:8                       9-10-16 “The Lord said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on […]


5-25-15. Daniel 6:16-28. GOD RESCUES DANIEL – my devotional

5-25-15. Daniel 6:16-28. GOD RESCUES DANIEL – my devotional Daniel 6:16-28                                    Kevin E. Jesmer                                              5-25-14 Key Verse: 6:22  “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.”(ESV) Dear Lord, […]


Theology We Develop To Avoid Thinking That Non-Believing Loved Ones Will Be Lost Forever

Theology We Develop To Avoid Thinking That Non-Believing Loved Ones Will Be Lost Forever     Kevin E. Jesmer  5-5-14     I have noticed that people of faith really don’t want to accept the fact that non-believing family members and loved ones will have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and face the judgment of […]


3-18-14. Acts 4:1-22. SALVATION IS FOUND IN NO ONE ELSE-my devotional

3-18-14. Acts 4:1-22. SALVATION IS FOUND IN NO ONE ELSE-my devotional  Acts 4:1-22                                                                         Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 4:12,                                                                   March 18, 2014 “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”  Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for missions Sunday […]


3-15-14. Acts 3:11-26. THAT TIMES OF REFRESHING MAY COME-my devotional

3-15-14. Acts 3:11-26. THAT TIMES OF REFRESHING MAY COME-my devotional Acts 3:11-26 Saturday, March 15, 2014 Key Verse: 3:19-20                                                                         […]


8-3-13. John 19:30. One Thing I Learned From The UBF Conference. “It Is Finished”

One Thing I Learned From The UBF Conference. “It Is Finished” John 19:30                                                                                           Kevin E. Jesmer     8-3-13 “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (NIV 2011)      I was particularly moved by the message from the director of Venezuela. He was talking […]


1/6/13. Judges 19:1-30. SUCH A THING SHOULD NOT BE DONE- my devotional

1/6/13. Judges 19:1-30. SUCH A THING SHOULD NOT BE DONE- my devotional Judges 19:1-30 Sunday, January 6, 2013 Key Verse: 19:30                                                                                        Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF “Everyone who saw it was saying to one another, “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Just imagine! […]


12/25/12. Luke 2:1-14. GOOD NEWS CAUSING GREAT JOY FOR ALL-my devotional

12/25/12. Luke 2:1-14. GOOD NEWS CAUSING GREAT JOY FOR ALL-my devotional   Luke 2:1-14                                                                                        Tuesday, December 25, 2012 Key Verse: 2:11                                                                                  Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”     Dear Lord heavenly Father, thank you for this Christmas time. Thank […]


12/24/12. Luke 1:67-80. JESUS BRINGS SALVATION, LIGHT, AND PEACE-my devotional

12/24/12. Luke 1:67-80. JESUS BRINGS SALVATION, LIGHT, AND PEACE-my devotional Luke 1:67-80 Monday, December 24, 2012 Key Verse: 1:69                                                                                   Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF “ He has raised up a hornof salvation for us in the house of his servant David”  Dear Lord, thank you for this Christmas. Thank you for being that missing  piece that makes […]