h A prayer to step through the doors Christ opens before us.

Archive for the ‘Tweets 2015’ Category

A prayer to step through the doors Christ opens before us.

A prayer to step through the doors Christ opens before us. 2-14-16 Dear Lord Heavenly Father,  I pray that you grant us the strength to keep up with you and what you are doing.  Grant us the grace and wisdom and the strength to remain in the wave of Gospel mission that you are starting […]


The Roadside Statues of Northwest Ontario 2015.

The Roadside Statues of Northwest Ontario 2015.  I was traveling the 150 mile long triangle of the Lake of the Woods area in NW Ontario. It is filled with beautiful Canadian wilderness. There are also several roadside statues. I want to share some of the ones I saw in my travels.


The NEFC Conference. Winnipeg Manitoba. July 11-13, 2015.

NEFC stands for Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. They have various conferences throughout the year. They have a yearly conference in Winnipeg, of which I attended the last two years. The conference is attended by mostly, Cree Canadian Christians and missionaries. There is preaching and lots of singing. This year they had a couple, who […]


7-4-15. Spent the day in Galena Illinois and Chestnut Mountain with Julie.

Spent the day in Galena Illinois and Chestnut Mountain with Julie. Galena is great. It is on the mighty Mississippi River. We did a 2 hr boat ride. Took the alpine luge ride. Rode on the sky tram. Walked the streets of Old Galena from 1860’s. Ate at a historic restaurant. Nice day together. Go […]


3-11-15. Exodus 17:8-13. Trust God and Trust The People Whom God Chooses-my devotional

Exodus 17:8-13. Trust God and Trust The People Whom God Chooses-my devotional Exodus 17:8-13                                                                                            Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 17:9                                                                                              3-11-15 “Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”   […]


3-8-15. Exodus 17:5-7. God Provided Life Giving Water From A Smitten Rock-my devotional

3-8-15. Exodus 17:5-7. God Provided Life Giving Water From A Smitten Rock-my devotional Exodus 17:5-7                                                                                Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 17:6                                                                                3-8-15 “I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So Moses did this in the sight […]


A Threat To Any Church

A Threat To Any Church The following is an excerpt from a book called, “Surprised By The Power Of The Spirit.” by Jack Deere. It resounded in my heart and I just had to share it. “There is another way that traditions can work against us. A friend of mine, Dr Ralph Neighbor Jr., wrote […]


1-6-15. Exodus 12:31-42. God Keeps His Promises-my devotional

God Keeps His Promises Exodus 12:31-42                   Kevin E. Jesmer    1-6-15 Exodus 12: 31-42, “31 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested. 32 Take your flocks and […]


Actor Jim Caviezel bore so much suffering to portray Jesus Christ in the 2004 movie, “The Passion of the Christ”.

Actor Jim Caviezel bore so much suffering to portray Jesus Christ in the  2004 movie, “The Passion of the Christ”. But through it all Jesus was glorified, the Gospel preached and Jim Caviezel came closer to God.  Read the following to learn of Jim’s suffering during filming and how God worked through it. I’d like […]