h Power point and audio presentation on the my trip to Uganda 8/1 to 8/9/12

Archive for the ‘Uganda’ Category

Power point and audio presentation on the my trip to Uganda 8/1 to 8/9/12

Power point and audio presentation on the my trip to Uganda 8/1 to 8/9/12 The following is a power point presentation of my trip to Uganda and the spiritual lessons I learned. It is a slide show that proceeds every 10 seconds. There are 100 slides. This roughly translates to a 16 minute presentation. I […]


The Third Day of the NE UBF African Summer Bible Conference in Kampala Uganda 8-5-12

The Third Day of the NE UBF African Summer Bible Conference in Kampala Uganda 8-5-12 http://ubf.org/content/third-day-northern-eastern-african-regional-bible-conference By Paul Chung The climax of the conference was World Mission Night when world mission reports were given on Saturday night. Oyer Moses went to Egypt at the beginning of 2006 for his Ph. D. at the University of […]


The Second Day of the NE Africa Summer Bible Conference Kampala 8-4-12

The Second Day of the NE Africa Summer Bible Conference Kampala 8-4-12 By Paul Chung http://ubf.org/content/second-day-northern-eastern-african-regional-bible-conference-report-kampala-uganda August 3, 2012 The evening program for the first night was a tribute to Africa. Three people shared their life-testimonies and there were two beautiful African dances from Sudan and Uganda. There were three life testimony sharers: Juman Fuchingo […]


The First Day of the NE African Summer Bible Conference in Kampala Uganda 8-3-12

The First Day of the NE African Summer Bible Conference in Kampala Uganda 8-3-12 By Paul Chung http://ubf.org/content/first-day-northern-eastern-african-regional-bible-conference-report-kampala-uganda August 3, 2012 Thank God for blessing for the 2012 Nothern-Eastern African Regional Bible Conference at Kampala, Uganda by sending 170 people from Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, USA, Germany, Korea, and Uganda. We are amazed by the […]


Pictures of Kevins Post-Uganda Experience Kampala 8-6 to 8-8-12


Information posted about the NE African Bible Conference on the UBF.org website

Information posted about the NE African Bible Conference on the UBF.org website The following are Paul Chung’s reports of the conference  ( as posted in the UBF.org web site) Day 1                   Day 2                  Day 3 The Meaning and Significance of the […]


The Music of the NE UBF African Summer Bible Conference 8-2012

The Music of the NE UBF African Summer Bible Conference 8-3 to 8-5- 2012 The following are audio clips of the music performed at the UBF NE African Summer Bible conference in Kampala Uganda 8-2 to 8-4-12. There are traditional church hymns sung by the congregation. There are times of praise and worship. There are […]