Some Activities of House Churches in General
Scope of Activities of the Jesmer Family:
1. We invite people to have fellowship with us and (God willing) 1:1 Bible study. In Bible study people are asked to consider a series of questions that would encourage a discussion of the passage being studied.
2. Sunday Worship Service. We attend a community Bible Church. It lasts about 1 ½ hours. They have praise and worship, Bible reading and singing contemporary songs and also some of the “old hymns” in contemporary ways. The preaching is based on a Bible passage and they usually cover whole books of the Bible.
3. Bible Schools. These are held two times a year by nearby UBF church. They typically run over three evenings. Kevin occasionally preaches.
4. International Summer Bible Conferences. These are held every 5 years with missionaries from other countries and people from across the USA and Canada. The next one is in 2018.
5. Julie and I are hosting “Art of Marriage” seminars. They have 7 sessions which are held monthly. This year there is a local group and a group at West Loop UBF near UIC in Chicago.
6. Kevin is functioning as an off site co-ordinator for the sending of missionaries to the Native people of Ontario. (This is a very long term prayer topic.)
7. We occasionally participate in an international student ministry and drive international students to the airport. We try to help organize our church home group to serve meals to International students.
8. Kevin write daily devotional pages for the the UBF daily bread books. (What a blessing to be able to do this!)