
Archive for December, 2014

12-26-14. Job 42:1-17. Look To Jesus…Repent and Pray For Others –my devotional

12-26-14. Job 42:1-17. Look To Jesus…Repent and Pray For Others –my devotional Job 42:1-17                                                                                                  Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verse: 42:5,6                                                                                         12-26-14 “5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6 Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (NIV) Part 1: Job Repents After Beholding God In […]


12-26-14. Job 42:10-17. The Lord Restores-my devotional

The Lord Restores. Job 42: 10-17                                                                                 Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 42:10,       […]


12-26-14. Job 42:7-9. Job received grace and mission to reveal grace-my devotional

12-26-14. Job 42:7-9. Job received grace and mission to reveal grace  Job 42:7-17                                                                                     […]


Archaeologists Are Excavating A Synagogue Where Jesus Likely Preached. by Mark Strauss. 12-23-14

Archaeologists Are Excavating A Synagogue Where Jesus Likely Preached. by Mark Strauss. 12-23-14 Link to original article Since 2009, archaeologists have been slowly excavating the ancient town of Magdala—thought to be the home of Mary Magdalene—near the Sea of Galilee. Among their finds has been a first-century synagogue where, experts say, Jesus likely preached. Image: Israel Antiquities […]


12-21-14. Job 42:1-8. Beholding the Glorious, Holy And Awesome God-my devotional

12-21-14. Beholding the Glorious And Awesome God Job 42:1-8                                                                                             […]


Pope says Vatican administration is sick with power and greed. Reuters By Philip Pullella 12-21-14

(Posted to show an example of healthy repentance and great spiritual leadership: Kevin E. Jesmer. And now on with the article….) Pope says Vatican administration is sick with power and greed.   Reuters By Philip Pullella 12-21-14  Link to original article VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – The Vatican’s top administrators would have been expecting an exchange […]


Archaeologists discover ancient stamps that could support existence of the Bible’s David and Solomon by Nico Lauricella. 12-18-14.

Archaeologists discover ancient stamps that could support existence of the Bible’s David and Solomon by Nico Lauricella. 12-18-14.  Link to original article These clay stamps don’t look like much, but they might help historians understand a lingering question surrounding ancient Israel. Many historians have questioned the existence of the biblical kings Solomon and David, likening […]


Archaeologists Find Royal Entryway To King Herod’s Hilltop Palace. Mark-Strauss 12-19-14.

Archaeologists Find Royal Entryway To King Herod’s Hilltop Palace.  Mark-Strauss 12-19-14. 8:20am Link to original article   King Herod’s most ambitious project was Herodium, a fortified palace on top of a hill in the Judean desert. Honeycombed with passages and chambers, it also became his mausoleum. Now, archaeologists have found a resplendent, 65-foot corridor to […]


12-19-14. Job 41:1-34. Humbly Submit to The Lord– my devotional

12-19-14. Job 41:1-34. Humbly Submit to The Lord– my devotional Job 41:1-34                                                                                                             Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse   10                                                                                                 12-19-14 “10 No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then is able to stand against me? 11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.” Part 1: […]


12-19-14. Job 41:25-34. Fight In The Strength, Wisdom The Lord Provides-my devotional

Fight In The Strength, Wisdom The Lord Provides.   by Kevin E. Jesmer    12-19-14 Job 41:25-34.  Key verse 33-34,  “Nothing on earth is its equal— a creature without fear. 34 It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.” Job 41:25-34 reads, “25 When it rises up, […]