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May God Bless you and guide your life in the most fruitful and blessed path to the glory of Jesus Christ! May you find true joy, forgiveness, love, newness of life, purpose and mission, eternal life and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christian life, when we are engaged in mission, is an adventurous journey…click here for video
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Compilation of Kevin’s devotionals by book of the Bible
This a video about the church being a living system and how relationship building and maintain is vitally important within the whole body of Christ. Click here to see the video.
God’s grace poured into my heart like a flood 28 years ago. I was a 22 year old new grad from college. I did not believe in Jesus. I was a hedonist who did not think about Jesus and spiritual things. I had no problem with that. But at least I was interested in Christianity. At a Bible conference at MSU (Michigan State University) we studied the lives of people in John’s gospel who were touched by the love of Jesus. I could see that the Bible was something deeper than any human being could every produce. I was amazed by the very real solutions that Jesus gave for human problems. I faced the fact that there was every reason to believe and no reason to not believe. A short conversation with a missionary about what the Bible said about marriage, was the proverbial straw the broke the camel’s back. I repented of my unbelief. Jesus forgave me of all my sins. The Holy Spirit occupied my heart like flood and I became a child of God. Just like that my darkness was turned to day. I was born again. Jesus called me to come out of the world and follow him. The outpouring of his grace was quick. He maintains me along my life’s journey. Thank you Jesus!
….Kevin Jesmer 1-13-15.
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