
Archive for the ‘Native traditions’ Category

Traditions of Sandy Lake First Nation in NW Ontario

Traditions of Sandy Lake First Nation in NW Ontario ***Not to be confused with Sandy Lake First Nation of Saskatchewan*** Link to the “communities” section. History of Sandy Lake First Nation Pictures of Sandy Lake Videos and articles about Sandy Lake Traditions and Culture of the People of Sandy Lake Favourite Foods The people of […]


Contribution of multilingual Dene woman to developing fur trade commemorated with Churchill plaque. 9-1-17

Contribution of multilingual Dene woman to developing fur trade commemorated with Churchill plaque Thompson Citizen. September 1, 2017   Link to original article     Thanadelthur, a Dene woman who died in 1717 after helping fur traders establish a trading post and negotiate a peace accord between Dene and Cree inhabitants of what is now […]


First Nation Things I Saw In The Pas Manitoba 2017

First Nation Things I Saw In The Pas Manitoba 2017. First Nations main page  Walking around The Pas, at the NEFC conference, I saw some things that were related the First Nation people. Some were paintings in the shopping mall. Some were murals on walls of downtown buildings.  This does not include items in the […]


A Comparison Between The Account Of The Creation Of Mankind in the Bible and in a Cree Native Legend.

A Comparison Between The Account Of The Creation Of Mankind in the Bible and in a Cree Native Legend. link to First Nations main page The following is a legend about the formation of mankind in the Sam Waller Museum in The Pas Manitoba. It is compared to the account of the creation of mankind […]


First Nation Legends and Stories in the Museum of Man and Nature 2017

    First Nation Legends and Stories in the Museum of Man and Nature 2017. Here are a few legends that I found while walking around the museum this summer. The first legend, “How the First Peoples Came to Be In This Area”, is from the Sam Waller Museum in The Pas Manitoba. Link to […]


First Nation Things I Saw At The Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg Manitoba 7-2017

First Nation Things I Saw At The Museum of Man and Nature, Winnipeg Manitoba 7-2017. I visited Winnipeg Manitoba this summer and went to the museum. There I saw many things pertaining to First Nation culture. I also found many legends that have been passed down over the years. Here are the pics. Return to the […]


For The Love of Moose Meat

For The Love of Moose Meat: ** Warning: Graphic Pictures of Moose Meat Preparation** Moose is very popular among the First Nation people of NW Ontario. I have been learning about the love of moose meat over the last few years. Apparently, it is best to hunt a bull moose, because if you leave the […]


THE WHITE DOG SACRIFICE -A preliminary translation of the ceremonial prayer 1906

THE WHITE DOG SACRIFICE  A preliminary translation of the ceremonial prayer at the burning of the white dog at the Seneca Indian new year’s ceremony (February). Wotokwaiiendakwa Gaiantguntgwaa (wotok’waiîen’dakwa gaiäñt’guntgwa:’) Gwa! Gwa! Gwa! So now this is the appointed time! Oh listen, you who dwell in the sky! Our words are straight– Only these can […]


A Laughing Party. Mark Charles. Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. May 4th 2012

A Laughing Party. Mark Charles. Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.  May 4th 2012 Link to original article Shared with me, by Matt T. “Has your baby laughed?” On the Navajo reservation, that’s a common question posed to parents who have infants around the age of three months. The first laugh of a Navajo child is […]


Traditional Cree Native clothing at a museum in The Pas Manitoba. July 2016

Traditional Cree Native clothing at a museum in The Pas Manitoba in July 2016. There was a nice museum there that included some traditional Cree things. These items exhibit such great craftsmanship.  The Teepee was at a nearby hotel, called the Kikiwak Inn. The bannock was served at a Christian conference.