Mother’s Day Bible Studies
By Kevin Jesmer on Thursday, May 17th, 2012 | No Comments
Happy Mother’s Day
Every Mother’s Day is a good opportunity to study about some aspect of mothers in the Bible. There is so much to learn about motherhood in the Bible. Our young people can learn about motherhood from the word of God rather than from sit coms on TV or from romantic comedies on the silver screen or from daytime TV shows about how not to be a mom. May this section be a blessing to you all.
Judges 4-5 Lesson 6: Deborah a Mother In Israel 3/14/12 / text /questions /Judges 4-5-power point
Judges 13 Wife of Manoah 5-13-12/Lesson 13: Wife of Manoah/ Quest/ text/Judges 13-power point / Judges 13-tstmny sharing/
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