
Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category

The Importance of Divine Meditation And What It Is.

The Importance of Divine Meditation And What It Is. “Let me with all earnestness commend unto you the conscientious practice of this duty of Divine Meditation, because it is an universal remedy against all sin; it is a help to all goodness, it is a preservative of all godliness, it is armor of proof against […]


Jesus Is not just “Putting Up “ with us

Jesus Is not just “Putting Up “ with us and bearing with us until he takes us to heaven. He loves us to the core and delights in us as his forgiven, beloved children.  – Kevin Jesmer


Albert Tait’s charge to keep keep preaching the Gospel

One of the last things spoke by Albert Tait, the “Billy Graham of the North”, a First Nation evangelist in NW Ontario. As I sat there, I remember what Albert had said about his funeral arrangements.  ‘I long to see Jesus,’ he said. ‘I am ready to go. Don’t let them do too much at […]


Quotes: Build An Army Not An Audience

Quotes:   The Great Commission calls us to develop, not just do. We must make disciples, not just be disciples. We must build an army, not just an audience.- Stew @ The Verge Network 6-28-16


The daily devotion from the Henri Nouwen ministry about serving generously.

The daily devotion from the Henri Nouwen ministry about serving generously: The opposite of a scarcity mentality is an abundancy mentality. With an abundancy mentality we say: “There is enough for everyone, more than enough: food, knowledge, love … everything.” With this mind-set we give away whatever we have, to whomever we meet. When we […]


A Quote Giving Tribute To People Who Partner With Missionaries

A Quote Giving Tribute To People Who Partner With Missionaries “So, this is a special tribute and recognition to the very committed people who partner with us – we thank God because you are radical! Thank you for your inspiration and love!”  (From: The Radicals Who Stay. Trevor Holloway Gospel Nov 27, 2014)


Quotes Concerning Missionary Support Teams- compiled by Kevin E. Jesmer 4-22-16

Quotes Concerning Missionary Support Teams. Compiled by Kevin E. Jesmer 4-22-16  The following are come quotes I have collected concerning missionary support teams.  Missionaries need to have the support of those who stay behind. They need a broad support network standing with them in their mission. These could be some helpful quotes. Acts 13:2-3, “While […]


“Christians should feel that their church is an original work within their own culture.”

“Christians should feel that their church is an original work within their own culture.” A church plant in Montreal Quebec. Indigenous does not always mean isolated tribes in a far of place. What about thinking of campus ministry as cross cultural ministry that requires application of the same principles? (Kevin Jesmer) Excerpts from Charles Kraft, […]


God opens “the door” in miraculous ways.

God opens “the door” in miraculous ways. John 11:40 reads, “Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” This is concerning the raising of Lazarus. But God does work in impossible situations, delivering his people at the last moment. When we think that […]


Short and powerful testimony about C.T. Studd-a Christian Missionary

Short and powerful testimony about C.T. Studd-a Christian Missionary Link to source  Charles T. Studd (1860-1931), known as the leader of the Cambridge Seven, received the Lord’s calling at the age of 24. He disowned his future as a nationally renowned cricket player and heir of great wealth. When asked if he had made too […]