
Archive for the ‘Easter’ Category

Thanking God for the a wonderful Easter at KBC. It was a good message of the Resurrection.

Thanking God for the a wonderful Easter at KBC. It was a good message of the Resurrection. We need to understand the necessity of the CROSS OF JESUS in order to understand the importance of Easter. Jesus didn’t die on the cross only to create warm, family times together. He died and rose again so […]


Easter Videos and other media

The following is a central place for the gathering of some good media for Easter that I come across The sounds of the cross. This explores the sounds of all aspects of the Passion of Jesus A video of kids explaining what Easter is all about. Very cute.  


3-22-13. Luke 23:26-49. A Moment In God’s Presence Can Change a Whole Story-Easter Msg

A Moment In God’s Presence Can Change a Whole Story Jesus Died as the Son of God, Our Savior  Luke 23:26-49;                 2013 Harper-NIU-DuPageJointEasterBibleSchool Opening Message Key Verse: 43                   (Kevin Jesmer) March 22 (Friday) “Jesus answered him, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” What things change us forever? Are they not […]


3.28.13. By this Gospel You are Saved!- DuPage, Harper, NIU Easter Bible Conference Report

March 28, 2013 By this Gospel You are Saved! Easter Bible Conference Report Link to original article   1 Corinthians 15:1-58 Key Verse: 2 “By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.  Otherwise, you have believed in vain” We give thanks and praise to God who helped us to […]


McGill Students worshiping at sunrise Easter service on Mount Royale in Montreal. 2013

McGill Students worshiping at sunrise service on Mount Royale in Montreal. Jennifer, my daughter was there taking pictures and worshiping. What a great idea and a great environment to worship. “Easter was so great!! 🙂 Last night form 11-1:30 I went to an Easter vigil at the chapel downstairs. They had incense and they sang […]


Luke 23:44-49. 3/21/13. JESUS’ DEATH – my devotional

Luke 23:44-49. 3/21/13. JESUS’ DEATH – my devotional Luke 23:44-49                                                                                        Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF Key Verse: 23:46                                                                                    3-21-13 “Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.”     Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you that you suffered and died on the cross […]


3/12/13. Luke 23:32-43. FATHER, FORGIVE THEM – my devotional

3/12/13. Luke 23:32-43. FATHER, FORGIVE THEM – my devotional Luke 23:32-43                                                                                     3/12/13 Key Verse: 23:34                                                                                Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”  (NIV 2011) Dear Father in heaven. Thank you for filling our days with hope, love, truth […]


3/11/13. Luke 23:26-31. ON THE WAY TO THE CROSS – my devotional

3/11/13. Luke 23:26-31. ON THE WAY TO THE CROSS – my devotional Luke 23:26-31                                                                                        Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF Key Verse: 23:28                                                                                   3-11-13 “Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.” (NIV 2011)       Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for showing us the power […]


Lk 24-questions- HE HAS RISEN

HE HAS RISEN!                 Luke 24:1-35 Key Verse: 24:6 “He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:” Today’s passage is about Jesus’ resurrection. It consists of two beautiful stories. First, Jesus’ resurrection is announced to women […]


2012 NIU & DuPage Joint Easter Bible School Report

2012 NIU & DuPage Joint Easter Bible School Report “He Is Not Here; He Has Risen!” Key Verse-Luke 24:6a                                                  by Jeremy Hajek The Joint DuPage & NIU Easter Bible Conference took […]