World Mission Material
World Mission
Matthew 28:18-20, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Christian life, when we are engaged in mission, is an adventurous journey…click here for video
It is a privilege to carry the great message of the Gospel to hard to reach people groups. (To Every Tribe Open House Video 2015)
Link to “To Every Tribe” in PNG 3-25-13 World Mission Category
Praying for the First Nation Peoples of NW Ontario Canada
Kevin’s trip to NE African Summer Bible Conference in Kampala Uganda 8-1 to 8-9-12
The Engage Program for Fall 2013 at KBC Link to Missionary Section
William Carey’s Eleven Commandments of Mission
Prayer is most important activity in missions
Categories: Prayer Prayer in a group Prayer in schools Prayer journeys Prayer for all occasins
God works through Koinina, conversation and prayer (Article)
Articles and Videos
5 Myths About The Great Commission 1-6-15
Missionary Paternalism: The Ultimate Peril of Mission. Lee. 2012
Bearing fruit requires repentance…deep repentance Kevin E. Jesmer 2-9-15
Building a team:
Link to page concerning building a missionary support team Missionary team category
The link to posts on teamwork Some basics on building a team serving on a multi-generational mission
Quotes Concerning Missionary Support Teams (compiled 2015)
“The Radicals Who Stay” by Trevor H0lloway 2014
Pointers on building relationships on a missionary team 10-16-17
Link to the “Networking” category
Nurturing Relationships Is A “Must” For Any Missionary – A Series of Essays by Kevin E. Jesmer (2015-2016)
How to build a team (Exodus 4) 9-28-14
Ways missionaries can nurture relationships with the secular world 12-28-15
The sacred and the secular: can the two co-operate in mission?
The ministry of networking: Message delivered in Morden MB 7-10-16
Church Planting:
Links to the following categories: church planting, church, church life, church finances, outreach, parachurch, elders
People must feel that a church plant is an original work within their own culture-quotes
College Ministry:
Categories: Student Life College ministry Campus ministry Campus living Campus visits
Watch this excellent six-minute video put together by the CROSS Conference, The History of Student Missions:
Community Life:
Four signs of a healthy community-book review 10-5-15
God wants to work through a board of elders 3-31-16
Discipling others:
Being a world Christian – three power points to aid in your presentation.
The Navigator’s Wheel of discipleship The Pauline Cycle
Art Of Marriage Category Overcoming Cultural Dissonance in Mission
Orlando School of Storying Discipleship
What to Expect with new mission ideas in the church- innovation Adoption lifecycle
Family, Family of faith, family vacation,
Funding Mission:
Link to “Fundraising” and “Debt” categories.
Setting Missionaries free from Student Loan Debt
A Comparison Between Tent Maker and Donor Fundraising Models
Financial Stability For Longevity On The Mission Field
How to support a missionary on furlough.
House Church Ministry:
House Church Resources from CFonCM
Recapturing the art of hospitality (Making your home a place of discipleship) (12 min video)
Links to House Church related materials Link to hospitality related articles Link to house church related articles-2
Link to article about serving Links to articles about home Link to articles about home groups Link to house church lectures and questions
International Ministry:
Network of Nations (Ministry to International Students) Overcoming Cultural Dissonance in Mission
Language Acquisition training (Mission Training International)
Seven Lies of Living Cross Culturally 4-1-15
The Cultural Iceberg and the Gospel
Longevity In The Mission:
Links to categories: Longevity in the mission, Self denial,
Missionaries work within systems 5-19-15 A missionary must be able to self feed on the Word of God
Strong Missionary Families needed for Longevity in Mission
Church movements that have a lasting global impact 3-5-15 Kevin E. Jesmer
Missional Church:
The “Missional Church” category
What it means for a church to be missional -Alan Hirsch 2012
Interview about discipleship lived out in the church, home and life 1-6-15
How to be missional in the summer. A list with links to articles. 6-1-16
Suggestions about discipleship in the church 2016
Missionary Growth and Development:
It takes more that money, time and availability to be a missionary
Missionaries work within systems 5-19-15 A missionary must be able to self feed on the Word of God
Understanding Different Roles In Building Up A Church
Nurturing Relationships Is A “Must” For Any Missionary Endeavor- An Essay Series
The Missionary Path
A good example of a “Person of Peace” from the movie, “The Mission”. It is “Gabriel’s Oboe” and the person of peace is the Native person who offerings to fix the obe and take the Jesuit missionary by the hand.
Public Service:
Feed My Starving Children Video of their work (with local girl)
Reaching Out:
To Millennials
Reaching Millenials “Reaching Out To Millennials” Links-a resource
Shepherding The Flock of God:
Links to related categories (on shepherding)
Link to articles on Christian Leadership
Life Transformation Groups LTG’s (2015)
Missionary Testimonies:
C.T. Studd – a short testimony and powerful quotes
Video testimonies of various missionaries
Steps to Peace with God. Power Point for Steps to Peace with God
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