
Archive for the ‘Sowing the seed’ Category

4-4-15. Exodus 2:23-3:6 Even In Exodus, The Sowers And The Reapers Were Glad Together-Bible Shortz Kevin E. Jesmer

4-4-15. Exodus 2:23-3:6   Even In Exodus, The Sowers And The Reapers Were Glad Together-Bible Shortz      Kevin  E. Jesmer God’s people were groaning and crying out for a very long time. They may have felt forsaken, but they were not forgotten by God. He heard their cries and he remembered the promises that he had made […]


If your church closed its doors, would your community know the difference?- Tony Evans

If your church closed its doors, would your community know the difference?- Tony Evans I was heading up a house church in a small university/farmtown. We kept the house church going for twelve years. But God led us in a different direction two years ago. We are entering into a new season of life. Concerning […]


12/27/12. James 3:13-18. TWO TYPES OF WISDOM-my devotional

12/27/12. James 3:13-18. TWO TYPES OF WISDOM-my devotional James 3:13-18 Thursday, December 27, 2012 Key Verse: 3:13                                                                             Kevin Jesmer NIU UBF “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”      Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for a wonderful Christmas […]